A, an ou the ? Exercice anglais en ligne

Les articles en anglais exercices (a, an, the)

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Choisissez l’article approprié:

  1. He asked me to go to  supermarket.
  2. She ate  whole cake.
  3. I should buy  pair of socks and  couple of shirts.
  4.  snake never bites unless it is disturbed.
  5. This man is  Newton of our times.
  6.  French invented  new kind of plane.
  7. The Japanese helped  German during WWII.
  8.  gavial is  kind of crocodile.
  9. There is  bridge over  Seine in Paris.
  10. Your friend has drank all  beer.

  1. the
  2. the
  3. a / a
  4. The
  5. the
  6. The / the
  7. the
  8. The / a
  9. a / the
  10. the

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