Voix passive en anglais exercice
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Transformez les phrases suivantes à la voix passive (prenez une feuille et un stylo pour y indiquer les réponses):
1. Active : The company awarded him the Employee of the Month title.
Passive: ___________________________________________
2. Active : They have sent invitations to all the guests.
Passive: ___________________________________________
3. Active : The gardener is planting flowers in the garden.
Passive: ___________________________________________
4. Active : The teacher assigned us a project for next week.
Passive: ___________________________________________
5. Active : The chef will cook a special dinner for the guests tonight.
Passive: ___________________________________________
6. Active : They painted the walls of the room blue.
Passive: ___________________________________________
7. Active : The principal is announcing the winners of the competition.
Passive: ___________________________________________
8. Active : We are discussing the plan for the new project.
Passive: ___________________________________________
9. Active : She gave him a beautiful birthday present.
Passive: ___________________________________________
10. Active : The shopkeeper sold me this watch yesterday.
Passive: ___________________________________________
He was awarded the Employee of the Month title by the company.
Invitations have been sent to all the guests.
Flowers are being planted in the garden by the gardener.
A project was assigned to us for next week by the teacher.
A special dinner will be cooked for the guests tonight by the chef.
The walls of the room were painted blue by them.
The winners of the competition are being announced by the principal.
The plan for the new project is being discussed by us.
He was given a beautiful birthday present by her.
This watch was sold to me by the shopkeeper yesterday.