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Exercice anglais CM1 à imprimer

Exercice anglais CM1 à imprimer

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec les mots manquants:

sky | house | trees | teeth | library | cat | park | blue | Sunday | cheese


  1. My favorite color is  .
  2. I have a pet  .
  3. We play soccer in the  .
  4. Monday comes after  .
  5. I like to eat pizza with  .
  6. The sun shines in the  .
  7. Birds live in the  .
  8. My friend has a big  .
  9. We read books in the  .
  10. I brush my  in the morning.


  1. My favorite color is blue.
  2. I have a pet cat.
  3. We play soccer in the park.
  4. Monday comes after Sunday.
  5. I like to eat pizza with cheese.
  6. The sun shines in the sky.
  7. Birds live in the trees.
  8. My friend has a big house.
  9. We read books in the library.
  10. I brush my teeth in the morning.

Anglais en CM1 – Exercices en ligne + à imprimer (100% gratuit)

Anglais en CM1 exercices

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Exercice 1:

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le mot approprié:

  1. My favorite color is _______. (blue)
  2. I have a pet _______. (dog)
  3. We play soccer in the _______. (park)
  4. Monday comes after _______. (Sunday)
  5. I like to eat pizza with _______. (cheese)
  6. The sun shines in the _______. (sky)
  7. Birds live in the _______. (trees)
  8. My friend has a big _______. (house)
  9. We read books in the _______. (library)
  10. I brush my _______ in the morning. (teeth)

Exercice 2:

Trouvez le mot caché dans chaque phrase:

  1. The c_i_r is blue.
  2. I have a c_t.
  3. We play in the p_rk.
  4. M_n_ay comes after Sunday.
  5. I like to eat p_zza.
  6. The s_n is shining.
  7. B_rds live in the trees.
  8. My friend has a big h_use.
  9. We read b_oks in the library.
  10. I brush my t_ _th.


Exercice 1:

  1. My favorite color is blue.
  2. I have a pet dog.
  3. We play soccer in the park.
  4. Monday comes after Sunday.
  5. I like to eat pizza with cheese.
  6. The sun shines in the sky.
  7. Birds live in the trees.
  8. My friend has a big house.
  9. We read books in the library.
  10. I brush my teeth in the morning.

Exercice 2:

  1. The car is blue.
  2. I have a cat.
  3. We play in the park.
  4. Monday comes after Sunday.
  5. I like to eat pizza.
  6. The sun is shining.
  7. Birds live in the trees.
  8. My friend has a big house.
  9. We read books in the library.
  10. I brush my teeth.

Anglais CM2 – Exercices à imprimer 100% gratuits

Anglais CM2 – Exercices à imprimer

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Exercice 1:

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le bon pronom personnel:

  1. _______ like to play soccer.
  2. My brother and _______ are going to the park.
  3. _______ is reading a book.
  4. Can _______ help me with my homework?
  5. _______ enjoy watching movies.
  6. Sally and _______ are best friends.
  7. _______ usually wake up early on weekends.
  8. _______ have a cat named Whiskers.
  9. _______ love to eat ice cream.
  10. _______ are going to the beach tomorrow.

Exercice 2:

Trouvez le mot intrus dans chaque groupe:

  1. Apple – Orange – Banana – Chair
  2. Dog – Cat – Bird – Fish
  3. Monday – Tuesday – January – Wednesday
  4. Math – Science – English – Computer
  5. Park – School – Zoo – Museum
  6. Book – Pen – Pencil – Banana
  7. Red – Blue – Car – Green
  8. House – Apartment – Tree – Villa
  9. Soccer – Tennis – Basketball – Library
  10. Teacher – Doctor – Policeman – Farmer


Exercice 1:

  1. I
  2. I
  3. He / She
  4. You
  5. We
  6. He / She
  7. We
  8. We
  9. We
  10. We

Exercice 2:

  1. Chair
  2. Fish
  3. January
  4. Computer
  5. Zoo
  6. Banana
  7. Car
  8. Tree
  9. Library
  10. Doctor

Anglais CM1 – Exercice 100% gratuit à imprimer

Anglais CM1 – Exercice

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Complétez les phrases avec le mot approprié:

trees | sky | house | library | cat | teeth | blue | park | cheese | Sunday

  1. My favorite color is _______.
  2. I have a pet _______.
  3. We play soccer in the _______.
  4. Monday comes after _______.
  5. I like to eat pizza with _______.
  6. The sun shines in the _______.
  7. Birds live in the _______.
  8. My friend has a big _______.
  9. We read books in the _______.
  10. I brush my _______ in the morning.


  1. My favorite color is blue.
  2. I have a pet cat.
  3. We play soccer in the park.
  4. Monday comes after Sunday.
  5. I like to eat pizza with cheese.
  6. The sun shines in the sky.
  7. Birds live in the trees.
  8. My friend has a big house.
  9. We read books in the library.
  10. I brush my teeth in the morning.

Exercice anglais CM1

Exercice anglais CM1

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Complétez chaque phrase avec le mot approprié :

jacket | bed | kitchen | pool | hair | car | garden | milk | sea | guitar | 

  1. My dad drives a _______.
  2. I drink _______ for breakfast.
  3. We plant flowers in the _______.
  4. There are many fish in the _______.
  5. My sister plays the _______.
  6. I wear _______ when it’s cold.
  7. The cat likes to sleep on the _______.
  8. We swim in the _______ in the summer.
  9. My mom cooks dinner in the _______.
  10. I brush my _______ before going to bed.


  1. car
  2. milk 
  3. garden
  4. sea 
  5. guitar 
  6. jacket 
  7. bed 
  8. pool 
  9. kitchen 
  10. hair

Exercice anglais CM2 avec correction

Exercice anglais CM2 avec correction

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Trouvez la traduction en anglais de chaque mot ou expression suivant :

  1. Maison → ___________
  2. Chien → ___________
  3. Chat→ ___________
  4. École → ___________
  5. Livre → ___________
  6. Soleil → ___________
  7. Plage → ___________
  8. Arbres → ___________
  9. Fleur → ___________
  10. Bonjour → ___________



  1. House
  2. Dog
  3. Cat
  4. School
  5. Book
  6. Sun
  7. Beach
  8. Trees
  9. Flower
  10. Hello

Exercice d’anglais CM2 gratuit à imprimer

Exercice d’anglais CM2 gratuit à imprimer

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Trouvez l’ordre correct des lettres pour former des mots anglais.

  1.  l_e_p_p_a → 
  2.  r_d_a_e → 
  3.  o_d_g → 
  4.  a_c_t → 
  5.  h_n_a_d → 
  6.  o_o_b_k → 
  7.  n_u_s → 
  8.  f_o_d_o → 
  9.  e_r_t_e → 
  10.  r_t_a_s → 



  1. apple
  2. dear / read
  3. god / dog
  4. cat
  5. hand
  6. book
  7. sun
  8. food
  9. tree
  10. star

Exercices anglais CM2 gratuit PDF

Exercices anglais CM2 gratuit PDF

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Exercice 1: Complétez les phrases avec les verbes au présent simple.

  1. She     (play) the piano every day.
  2. They     (watch) cartoons on Saturdays.
  3. My cat     (sleep) on my bed at night.
  4. We     (go) to school by bus.
  5. He     (like) to read books in the evening.

Exercice 2: Trouvez les adjectifs possessifs qui conviennent.

  1. This is     (I) pencil.
  2. Where are     (you) books?
  3.   (She) bag is on the table.
  4. Can I borrow     (we) ruler, please?
  5. Look at     (he) new bike!



Exercice 1

  1. plays
  2. watch
  3. sleeps
  4. go

Exercice 2

  1. my
  2. your
  3. Her
  4. our
  5. his

Voix passive en anglais exercice

Voix passive en anglais exercice

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Transformez les phrases suivantes à la voix passive (prenez une feuille et un stylo pour y indiquer les réponses):

1. Active: The company awarded him the Employee of the Month title.

Passive: ___________________________________________

2. Active: They have sent invitations to all the guests.

Passive: ___________________________________________

3. Active: The gardener is planting flowers in the garden.

Passive: ___________________________________________

4. Active: The teacher assigned us a project for next week.

Passive: ___________________________________________

5. Active: The chef will cook a special dinner for the guests tonight.

Passive: ___________________________________________

6. Active: They painted the walls of the room blue.

Passive: ___________________________________________

7. Active: The principal is announcing the winners of the competition.

Passive: ___________________________________________

8. Active: We are discussing the plan for the new project.

Passive: ___________________________________________

9. Active: She gave him a beautiful birthday present.

Passive: ___________________________________________

10. Active: The shopkeeper sold me this watch yesterday.

Passive: ___________________________________________



  1. He was awarded the Employee of the Month title by the company.
  2. Invitations have been sent to all the guests.
  3. Flowers are being planted in the garden by the gardener.
  4. A project was assigned to us for next week by the teacher.
  5. A special dinner will be cooked for the guests tonight by the chef.
  6. The walls of the room were painted blue by them.
  7. The winners of the competition are being announced by the principal.
  8. The plan for the new project is being discussed by us.
  9. He was given a beautiful birthday present by her.
  10. This watch was sold to me by the shopkeeper yesterday.

Voix passive anglais exercice

Voix passive anglais exercice

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Mettez les phrases suivantes à la voix passive:


1. Active: The students are reading the book.

2. Active: They built this house in 2005.

3. Active: Sarah is making a cake for her birthday.

4. Active: The chef is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

5. Active: The teacher will assign the homework tomorrow.

6. Active: They have decorated the room for the party.

7. Active: She is writing an email to her friend.

8. Active: We cleaned the house yesterday.

9. Active: The mechanic fixed my car last week.

10. Active: They are planning a surprise party for her.



  1. The book is being read by the students.
  2. This house was built in 2005.
  3. A cake is being made by Sarah for her birthday.
  4. Dinner is being cooked by the chef in the kitchen.
  5. The homework will be assigned by the teacher tomorrow.
  6. The room has been decorated for the party.
  7. An email is being written to her friend by her.
  8. The house was cleaned yesterday by us.
  9. My car was fixed by the mechanic last week.
  10. A surprise party is being planned for her by them.