Could, Should et Would – Exercice anglais en ligne
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Could, Should et Would – Exercice anglais en ligne
Choisissez la bonne réponse:
- She like to have kids one day.
- You always let me know when you go out.
- You worry about it. It’s not important.
- Where is my key? I find it yesterday!
- If you don’t like your job, you look for another one.
- People worry more about environment.
- If I had enough money, I travel to Japan.
- you like something to drink?
- Every driver be wearing a seatbelt.
- you tell me how much it costs?
- You have studied harder for the test.
- If I were you, I visit this museum.
- You really not drink so much.
- You try to lose weight.
- You spend your holidays in Australia, it’s a beautiful country.