Exercices sur les modaux en anglais
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Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:
- au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
- au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should
Verbes de probabilités:
Mettre ‘must + infinitive’ (pour parler du présent) ou ‘must + have + participe passé’ (pour parler du passé):
- Hiromi always does really well on exams. She must a lot.
- That woman drives a very expensive car. She must a lot of money.
- You must a lot before you gave your speech. It was really good.
- When Linda got home yesterday there were flowers on the table. Her husband must them.
- Where is my coat? I saw it earlier, so it must in this room.
- Tina couldn’t find her keys. She thought she must them at her office.
- It must hot outside. That man in the street is just wearing a tee-shirt.
- All my plants must dead! I forgot to water them before I went on holiday.
- Kelly is so late! She must the bus!
- There’s rubbish all over my garden! A cat must in the bin.
- Sandra has a huge library in her house. She must books.
- Oh no, I don’t have my glasses! I must them in the train.
- When Wendy got home, she found the ice cream had melted. It must too hot in the car.
- If you haven’t eaten all day, you must hungry.
- Martin and Sonya must very tired. They have a new baby.
- It must a lot in the night. There are puddles everywhere.
- Simon must happy. His girlfriend just agreed to marry him.
- What an amazing kitchen you’ve got! You must cooking.
- Quentin must all the cookies! There are none left.
- When I got up this morning, the kitchen was spotless. Sarah must it before she went to bed last night.