Les pronoms possessifs anglais exercices

Les pronoms et adjectifs possessifs anglais: exercices

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec un pronom ou un adjectif possessif: 

  1. We have a car. It belongs to . It is  car. The car is .
  2. This money is not . It does not belong to . It belongs to  friend. It is .
  3. She has nice shoes, but they are not . They do not belong to . They are  mother’s.
  4. He came back with a new toy but it is not . It does not belong to . It is  brother’s toy.
  5. I have an Iphone, but it is not . It does not belong to . It is  father’s.
  6. You have a camera. Is that camera ? Does that camera belong to ?


  1. We have a car. It belongs to us. It is our car. The car is ours.
  2. This money is not mine. It does not belong to me. It belongs to my friend. It is his.
  3. She has nice shoes, but they are not hers. They do not belong to her. They are her mother’s.
  4. He came back with a new toy but it is not his. It does not belong to him. It is his brother’s toy.
  5. I have an Iphone, but it is not mine. It does not belong to me. It is my father’s.
  6. You have a camera. Is that camera yours? Does that camera belong to you?


One comment

  1. Katia dit :

    Attention, un adjectif possessif n’est pas la même chose qu’un pronom possessif. Comme son nom l’indique un pronom remplace un nom donc il ne peut se trouver face à un nom :

    her book = adjectif possessif ; I think this book is hers = pronom possessif

    Il serait utile je pense de le rectifier dans la présentation de l’exercice.

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