Pronoms démonstratifs en anglais | Exercice avec corrigé et PDF à imprimer

Pronoms démonstratifs en anglais | Exercice avec corrigé et PDF à imprimer

Rappel: les pronoms démonstratifs sont this, that, these et those. On les utilise pour désigner des choses ou des personnes.

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Choisissez le pronom démonstratif qui convient: 

1.  girls are in my class.
a) this
b) these

2.  oranges are very sweet.
a) this
b) these

3. I like  color.
a) this
b) these

4. Where shall we hang  paintings?
a) that
b) those

5. Can you help me carry  boxes?
a) this
b) these

6. Are  bananas ripe?
a) this
b) these

7.  cats are beautiful.
a) these
b) this

8.  were the best days of my life.
a) that
b) those

9.  was an interesting story.
a) that
b) this

10. Can you help me clean  room?
a) this
b) these

  1. These girls are in my class.
  2. These oranges are very sweet.
  3. I like this color.
  4. Where shall we hang those paintings?
  5. Can you help me carry these boxes?
  6. Are these bananas ripe?
  7. These cats are beautiful.
  8. Those were the best days of my life.
  9. That was an interesting story.
  10. Can you help me clean this room?

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