Pronoms relatifs anglais | Exercice en ligne (corrigé + PDF)

Les pronoms relatifs anglais exercice en ligne avec corrigé et PDF

Rappel: les pronoms relatifs sont des mots comme who, whose, which et that.

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Combinez les différentes phrases en utilisant un pronom relatif: 


She is a nice girl. Everybody loves her.
=> She is a nice girl whom everybody loves.

  1. Tokyo is the largest Japanese city. It is the capital of Japan.
  2. The man is waiting at the door. He is a detective.
  3. This is the house. Sam built it.
  4. My sister’s son is an doctor. He lives in London.
  5. The man is my brother’s best friend. He made the cakes.
  6. I have one black dog. His name is Toby.
  7. Men overuse chemical products. They do a lot of harm to the environment.
  8. Tina plays the guitar brilliantly. She is only 7 years old.
  9. The doctor wrote the prescription. The patient asked for it.

  1. Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan, is the largest Japanese city.
  2. The man who is waiting at the door is a detective.
  3. This is the house that Sam built.
  4. My sister’s son who lives in London is a doctor.
  5. The man who made the cakes is my brother’s best friend.
  6. I have one black dog whose name is Toby.
  7. Men who overuse chemical product do a lot of harm to the environment.
  8. Tina, who is only 7 years old, plays the guitar brilliantly.
  9. The doctor wrote the prescription that the patient asked for.

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