Catégorie : Exercices

Présent simple ou présent continu – Exercice anglais en ligne

Présent simple ou présent continu/progressif

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le présent simple ou le présent progressif:

  1. Wendy sometimes  mangas. (to read)
  2. We never  TV in the morning. (to watch)
  3. Listen! Sam  in the bathroom. (to sing)
  4. My brother usually   in the kitchen. (to help)
  5. My mum  breakfast now. (to make)
  6. They often   the kitchen. (to clean)
  7. Look! The girls  home. (to come)
  8. Every day his father   for a walk. (to go)
  9. I  with my sister at the moment. (to chat)
  10. Mice  cheese. (to eat)


  1. Wendy sometimes reads mangas.
  2. We never watch TV in the morning.
  3. Listen! Sam is singing in the bathroom.
  4. My brother usually helps in the kitchen.
  5. My mum is making breakfast now.
  6. They often clean the kitchen.
  7. Look! The girls are coming home.
  8. Every day his father goes for a walk.
  9. I am chatting with my sister at the moment.
  10. Mice eat cheese.

Présent simple ou progressif en anglais – Exercice en ligne

Présent simple ou progressif en anglais – Exercice en ligne

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le présent simple ou le présent progressif:

1. (he/wear/a hat/often)  , but (he/not/wear/a hat)   today.

2. (we/have/dinner/now)    although (we/not/have/dinner/normally)   at this time.

3. (while/Linda/clean/the house)  , (her kids/play/in the garden)  .

4. I must hurry to the bus stop because (I/meet/Simon)   in an hour and (the bus/leave)   in five minutes.

5. Listen! (you/hear/that noise)  ?

6. I grew up with cats but now (I/have/a dog)  .

  1. He often wears a hat, but he is not wearing a hat today.
  2. We are having dinner now although we do not normally have dinner at this time.
  3. While linda is cleaning the house, her kids are playing in the garden.
  4. I must hurry to the bus stop because I am meeting Simon in an hour and the bus leaves in five minutes.
  5. Listen! Do you hear that noise?
  6. I grew up with cats but now I have a dog.

Was ou Were ? Exercice en ligne

Was ou Were en anglais ? Exercice gratuit en ligne

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Was ou Were ?

  1. I   in Paris last spring.
  2. We at school last Saturday.
  3.  Tina  at home yesterday.
  4. He  happy.
  5. Tina and Kenny  Sam’s friends.
  6. You  very busy on Saturday.
  7. They in front of the library.
  8.  in the museum.
  9. She  in Japan last month.
  10. Tony and Katy  late for school.
  11.  happy.
  12. You  angry.
  13. She  in New York last week.
  14. He  on holiday.
  15. It  hot.

  1. I was in Paris last spring.
  2. We were at school last Saturday.
  3. Tina was at home yesterday.
  4. He was happy.
  5. Tina and Kenny were Sam’s friends.
  6. You were very busy on Saturday.
  7. They were in front of the library.
  8. I was in the museum.
  9. She was in Japan last month.
  10. Tony and Katy were late for school.
  11. I was happy.
  12. You were angry.
  13. She was in New York last week.
  14. He was on holiday.
  15. It was hot.

Exercice anglais 5eme was were

Exercice anglais 5eme was were

Was ou Were en anglais ? Exercice gratuit en PDF

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Was ou Were ?

  1. My grandmother  a nurse.
  2.  thin when I was a kid.
  3. When I younger, I played with legos.
  4. We  away on holidays last month.
  5.  you at the party last night?
  6. Ten years ago, I  a teenager.
  7.  the test difficult?
  8. The movie   not exciting. It was boring.
  9.  there many people at the party?
  10.  the girls in the park? No, they  .
  11. Her name wasn´t Wendy. It Olga.
  12. John wasn´t happy. He  sad.
  13.  the boys at the soccer game? Yes, they   .
  14. The books   not on the table. They were in the drawer.
  15.  Bill at a concert? Yes, he  .

  1. My grandmother was a nurse. She wasn´t a doctor.
  2. I was thin when I was a kid.
  3. When I was younger, I played with legos.
  4. We were away on holidays last month.
  5. Were you at the party last night?
  6. Ten years ago, I was a teenager.
  7. Was the test difficult?
  8. The movie wasn´t exciting. It was boring.
  9. Were there many people at the party?
  10. Were the girls in the park? No, they were .
  11. Her name wasn´t Wendy. It was Olga.
  12. John wasn´t happy. He was sad.
  13. Were the boys at the soccer game? Yes, they were.
  14. The books weren´t on the table. They were in the drawer.
  15. Was Bill at a concert? Yes, he was.

Exercice was were anglais

Exercice was were anglais

Was ou Were en anglais ? Exercice gratuit en PDF

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Was ou Were ?

  1. We  at school.
  2. You  at the cinema.
  3. They  at home.
  4. The cat  on the roof.
  5. The children  in the garden.
  6. How many people   at your house last weekend?
  7. The book wasn´t difficult, it   easy.
  8. Those  my best glasses.
  9. Mammoth  prehistoric animals.
  10.  your friends at school yesterday?
  11. Tina  not at school yesterday.
  12. You  nasty to me!
  13.  your parents dentists?
  14. Sam and I in the garden.
  15.  your parents in the restaurant? Yes, they  .

  1. We were at school.
  2. You were at the cinema.
  3. They were at home.
  4. The cat was on the roof.
  5. The children were in the garden.
  6. How many people were at your house last weekend?
  7. The book wasn´t difficult, it was easy.
  8. Those were my best glasses.
  9. Mammoth were prehistoric animals.
  10. Were your friends at school yesterday?
  11. Tina wasn´t at school yesterday.
  12. You were nasty to me!
  13. Were your parents dentists?
  14. Sam and I were in the garden.
  15. Were your parents in the restaurant? Yes, they were.

Past perfect anglais – Exercice en ligne

Past perfect anglais – Exercice en ligne

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Complétez les phrases au Past Perfect Simple:

  1. We ate apples from the tree that my dad (plant)   many years before.
  2. When we arrived, the party (start/already)  .
  3. We went to a place where I (be/never)   before.
  4. The teacher wanted to know whether we (read)   the book.
  5. Yesterday I met a friend that I (see/not)   for ages.


  1. We ate apples from the tree that my dad had planted many years before.
  2. When we arrived, the party had already started.
  3. We went to a place where I had never been before.
  4. The teacher wanted to know whether we had read the book.
  5. Yesterday I met a friend that I had not seen for ages.

Past perfect anglais – Exercice

Past perfect anglais – Exercice

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Complétez les questions au Past Perfect Simple:

  1. (your husband/make/dinner)   when you got home?
  2. (Tina/finish/her homework)   when she went out with her friends?
  3. (you/have/lunch)   when you started to work?
  4. (What/he/do)   that made you so upset with him the other day?
  5. (she/move/to Paris/already)   when she met her boyfriend?

  1. Had your husband made dinner when you got home?
  2. Had Tina finished her homework when she went out with her friends?
  3. Had you had lunch when you started to work?
  4. What had he done that made you so upset with him the other day?
  5. Had she already moved to Paris when she met her boyfriend?

Exercice futur simple anglais 4ème

Exercice futur simple anglais (niveau 4ème)

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Faites des questions au futur simple:

  1. (what/learn/they)    ?
  2. (it/snow)    ?
  3. (when/you/get/home)    ?
  4. (she/forgive/me)    ?
  5. (what/say/he)    ?

  1. What will they learn?
  2. Will it snow?
  3. When will you get home?
  4. Will she forgive me?
  5. What will he say?

Futur simple anglais – Exercice en ligne

Futur simple anglais – Exercice en ligne

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Complétez les phrases au futur simple:

  1. It (rain/not)     tomorrow.
  2. I promise I (be/not)     late.
  3. We (start/not)     to watch the movie without you.
  4. The bus (wait/not)     for us.
  5. He (believe/not)     us.


  1. It will not rain tomorrow.
  2. I promise I will not be late.
  3. We will not start to watch the movie without you.
  4. The bus will not wait for us.
  5. He will not believe us.

Exercice futur simple be going to

Exercice temps anglais futur simple going to

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Mettez les verbes entre parenthèse au futur going to:

  1. I (tell/not)  you the secret.
  2. She (ring/not)   me.
  3. We (invite/not)  him to our party.
  4. Sam (work/not)  abroad.
  5. Her parents (lend/not)  her any more money.

  1. I am not going to tell you the secret.
  2. She is not going to ring me.
  3. We are not going to invite him to our party.
  4. Sam is not going to work abroad.
  5. Her parents are not going to lend her any more money.