Exercice anglais CM1

Exercice anglais CM1

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Complétez chaque phrase avec le mot approprié :

jacket | bed | kitchen | pool | hair | car | garden | milk | sea | guitar | 

  1. My dad drives a _______.
  2. I drink _______ for breakfast.
  3. We plant flowers in the _______.
  4. There are many fish in the _______.
  5. My sister plays the _______.
  6. I wear _______ when it’s cold.
  7. The cat likes to sleep on the _______.
  8. We swim in the _______ in the summer.
  9. My mom cooks dinner in the _______.
  10. I brush my _______ before going to bed.


  1. car
  2. milk 
  3. garden
  4. sea 
  5. guitar 
  6. jacket 
  7. bed 
  8. pool 
  9. kitchen 
  10. hair

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