Exercices pronoms personnels anglais 6ème PDF

Exercices pronoms personnels anglais 6ème PDF

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le bon pronom personnel sujet (I ou He / She)

  1.  often goes for a walk in the park.
  2.  am going to the park with my friends.
  3.  is studying for the math test tomorrow.
  4.  like to play video games after school.
  5.  enjoy swimming in the summer.
  6.  loves to watch movies on Fridays.
  7.  needs to finish their homework before dinner.
  8.  need to finish my homework before dinner.
  9.  usually wake up early on weekends.
  10.  usually eats breakfast at 7 o’clock.




  1. He / She often goes for a walk in the park.
  2. I am going to the park with my friends.
  3. He / She is studying for the math test tomorrow.
  4. I like to play video games after school.
  5. I enjoy swimming in the summer.
  6. He / She loves to watch movies on Fridays.
  7. He / She needs to finish their homework before dinner.
  8. I need to finish my homework before dinner.
  9. I usually wake up early on weekends.
  10. He / She usually eats breakfast at 7 o’clock.

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