Auteur/autrice : Mat

Exercice sur les prépositions anglaise (niveau 5ème)

Exercice sur les prépositions anglaise (niveau 5ème)

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Essayez de deviner la bonne réponse:

  1. They searched  the missing girl for a whole week, but couldn’t find her.
  2. As the man was badly injured, we sent  a doctor.
  3. She is very sensitive  other people’s feelings.
  4. Did you subscribe  this magazine?
  5. I am tired  hearing him complain every day
  6. Always say the truth  your parents.
  7. I have to agree  them, what they say is true.
  8. The Japanese are used  earthquakes.

  1. searched for
  2. sent for
  3. sensitive to
  4. subscribe to
  5. tired of
  6. true to
  7. understanding with
  8. used to

Exercice sur les prépositions en anglais (niveau 5ème)

Exercice prépositions anglais 5ème

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Devinez la bonne réponse (préposition de direction ou position):

1. Tina has been   Thailand several times.

2. He went  a University in New York.

3. We arrive   Osaka on Tuesday morning.

4. The boys kept jumping  the river.

5. He sat down  the couch.

6. The cat is  the roof again.

7. She was sleeping   the garden.

8. She ran  of the bathroom crying.

9. The kids are swimming  the lake.

10. The boy fell  the ground and hurt its leg.

  1. Tina has been to Thailand several times.
  2. He went to a University in New York.
  3. We arrive in Osaka on tuesday morning.
  4. The boys kept jumping in the river.
  5. He sat down on the couch.
  6. The cat is on the roof again.
  7. She was sleeping in the garden.
  8. She ran out of the bathroom crying.
  9. The kids are swimming in the lake.
  10. The boy fell on the ground and hurt its leg.

Test – Les prépositions en anglais

Test – Les prépositions en anglais

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Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant la préposition qui convient (il peut y avoir plusieurs solutions):

  1. He graduated  the Tokyo University.
  2. Sam worked as a teacher  two years.
  3. A bank was robbed  three gangsters.
  4. There were  thirty people at the meeting.
  5. She is well  average in intelligence.
  6. The institution is run by a committee consisting  ten members.
  7. I am not familiar  these developments.
  8. He got himself  trouble with his mean remarks.
  9. The children laughed  the fat kid.
  10. The teacher told me that he was impressed  my work.

  1. What is wrong with Tina today?
  2. Could you translate this into Japanese for me?
  3. The police is searching for drugs.
  4. Mum drove into a wall again yesterday.
  5. I must apologize for disturbing you.
  6. Why is he receiving money from the Government?
  7. We searched for the missing boy for three days.
  8. I’m short of money these days.
  9. We were talking about our next trip to Italy.
  10. He reminds me of an old friend.

Exercice prépositions anglais (niveau 6ème)

Exercice prépositions anglais (niveau 6ème)

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec la préposition qui convient: 

  1. She gets up early  the morning.
  2. You will receive his letter  three days.
  3. It happened  the week after Easter.
  4. He can run 100 meters  less than 10 seconds.
  5. I haven’t seen her  years.
  6. The shop remains open  9.30 am  7 pm.
  7. She was here  6.30.
  8. It has been raining  yesterday.
  9. Don’t go now. We are  to have lunch.
  10. We stopped  the pub a drink.

  1. She gets up early in the morning.
  2. You will receive his letter in three days.
  3. It happened in the week after Easter.
  4. He can run 100 meters in less than 00 seconds.
  5. I haven’t seen her for/in years.
  6. The shop remains open from 9.30 am to 7 pm.
  7. She was here till 6.30.
  8. It has been raining since yesterday.
  9. Don’t go now. We are about to have lunch.
  10. We stopped at the pub for a drink.

Prépositions anglaise – Exercice (+PDF)

Les prépositions en anglais 1

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Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant la bonne réponse:

1. There is a spelling mistake  line 8 on page 23. (in / on / at)

2. The boy stayed   the forest for 24 hours. (in / at / on)

3. Sam is arriving  the 7.00 train. (in / with / on)

4. It is very hot  the centre of the planet. (at / in / on)

5. She lives   24 Queen Street. (at / in / on)

6. Who is that handsome boy standing  the second row? (at / on / in)

7. We went for a walk  the forest. (on / in / at)

8. Tina must be  the post office. (at / on / in)

9. He is a student  Princeton. (at / in / on)

10. He had a tatoo   his neck. (on / in / at)

  1. in
  2. in
  3. on
  4. at
  5. at
  6. in
  7. in
  8. at
  9. at
  10. on

Exercice voix passive et active en anglais (PDF)

Exercice voix passive et active en anglais (PDF)

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Mettez ces phrases de la forme active à la forme passive:

  1. The lion killed the goat. => 
  2. The farmer cut down the trees. => 
  3. Vasco de Gama discovered India. => 
  4. The minister of science praised the scientist for his discovery. => 
  5. The famer feeds the pigs every day. => 
  6. My parents will give me a present. => 
  7. I will conquer this country. => 
  8. She kept him waiting. => 
  9. People jam-packed the streets. => 
  10. Our friends will blame us. => 
  11. The storm blew down the trees. => 
  12. The police caught the murderers. => 
  13. Tina posted the letter. => 
  14. The manager received us. => 
  15. Somebody killed the spider with a stick. => 
  16. The people welcomed the minister. => 
  17. They found him guilty of robbery. => 
  18. The French built this castle in 1750. => 

  1. The goat was killed by the lion.
  2. The trees were cut down by the farmer.
  3. India was discovered by Vasco de Gama.
  4. The scientist was praised by the Minister of Science for his discovery.
  5. The pigs are fed by the farmer everyday.
  6. I will be given a present by my parents. / A present will be given to me by my parents.
  7. This country will be conquered by me.
  8. He was kept waiting (by her).
  9. The streets were jam-packed with people.
  10. We will be blamed by our friends.
  11. The trees were blown down by the storm.
  12. The murderers were caught by the police.
  13. The letter was posted by Tina.
  14. We were received by the manager.
  15. The spider was killed with a stick by somebody.
  16. The minister was welcomed by the people.
  17. He was found guilty of robbery.
  18. This castle was built by the French in 1750.

Voix active ou voix passive | Exercice anglais

Voix active ou voix passive | Exercice anglais

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Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant la voix active ou passive à la forme qui convient:

1. Blankets  among the poor.
a) were distributing
b) distributed
c) were distributed

2. Five bullets  from his body.
a) had removed
b) had been removed
c) removed

3. The invitation  by the President.
a) has accepted
b) has been accepted
c) accepted

4. Seats  for the customers.
a) were reserving
b) had reserved
c) had been reserved

5. They  the party on time.
a) had been started
b) were starting
c) had started

6. He  the truth from his family.
a) hidden
b) had hidden
c) had been hidden

7. Nothing  in the house.
a) had left
b) had been left
c) left

8. The project  by us.
a) will undertake
b) will be undertaken
c) undertook

  1. Blankets were distributed among the poor.
  2. Five bullets had been removed from his body.
  3. The invitation has been accepted by the President.
  4. Seats had been reserved for the customers.
  5. They had started the party on time.
  6. He had hidden the truth from his family.
  7. Nothing had been left in the house.
  8. The project will be undertaken by us.

Voix active / Voix passive – Exercice anglais en ligne

Exercice voix passive anglais

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Les phrases suivantes sont à la voix passive ou active ?

  1. The girl killed the insect with a shoe. => 
  2. He gave me a nice gift. => 
  3. The hunter was bitten by the wolf. => 
  4. The boy flew a kite. => 
  5. The thunder frightened the kids. => 
  6. He is loved by everybody. => 
  7. The museum was opened by the President. => 
  8. The dog chased the rabbit. => 
  9. The letter was posted yesterday. => 
  10. The man drank all the water. => 
  11. The ball struck me on the head. => 
  12. I have just received his email. => 
  13. Somebody has put the dog in. => 
  14. The key was lost. => 
  15. We are waiting for the train. => 



  1. Killed – active
  2. Gave – active
  3. Was bitten – passive
  4. Flew – active
  5. Frightened – active
  6. Is loved – passive
  7. Was opened – passive
  8. Chased – active
  9. Was posted – passive
  10. Drank – active
  11. Struck – active
  12. Have received – active
  13. Has put – active
  14. Was lost – passive
  15. Are waiting – active

Voix passive et voix active anglais – Exercice niveau 4ème

Voix passive et voix active anglais – Exercice niveau 4ème

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Exercice 7

Choisissez la réponse qui convient (active ou passive):

1.    This skyscrapper  in 1985 by a great architect.
a)    Built
b)    Was built
c)    Was build
d)    Has built

2.    The thieves  by the police.
a)    Have arrested
b)    Have been arrested
c)    Was arrested
d)    Had arrested

3.    We  for the test.
a)    Have preparing
b)    Are preparing
c)    Had preparing
d)    Have been prepared

4.    It since Monday.
a)    Is raining
b)    Has been raining
c)    Have been raining
d)    Was raining

5.    I  for ten hours.
a)    Have been working
b)    Has been working
c)    Was working
d)    Am working

6.    The students  to leave the test on the table.
a)    Have asked
b)    Are asked
c)    Has asked
d)    Are asking

7.    The teacher  the student for cheating.
a)    Has been punished
b)    Punished
c)    Is punished
d)    Was punished

8.    I  to become a successful lawyer.
a)    Have always wanted
b)    Am always wanted
c)    Was always wanted
d)    Am always wanting

9.    The kids  well by their parents.
a)    Were not being treated
b)    Were not treating
c)    Have not being treated
d)    Was not being treated

10.    The injured  to the hospital by helicopter.
a)    Were taking
b)    Was taking
c)    Were taken
d)    Have taken

  1. Was built
  2. Have been arrested
  3. Are preparing
  4. Has been raining
  5. Have been working
  6. Are asked
  7. Punished
  8. Have always wanted
  9. Were not being treated
  10.  Were taken

La voix passive en anglais – Exercice corrigé + PDF

Exercice passif anglais

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Exercice 2

Mettre le verbe entre parenthèses à la voix passive en utilisant le temps qui convient:

  1. I don’t have to go to the bakery because the bread (deliver)  to our house every day.
  2. When Tina went to school, she (pick)  up by her parents every day.
  3. You need not clean the shower. It (clean/already)  by your dad.
  4. From now on everything (do)  as planned.
  5. When Tom came home, dinner (cooked/not)  yet.

  1. I don’t have to go to the bakery because the bread is delivered to our house every day.
  2. When Tina went to school, she was picked up by her parents every day.
  3. You need not clean the shower. It has already been cleaned by your dad.
  4. From now on everything will be done as planned.
  5. When Tom came home, dinner had not been cooked yet.