Auteur/autrice : Mat

Les prépositions en anglais exercice 3

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Choisissez la bonne réponse:

  1. The plane is bound  Japan. (to / for / at)
  2. I want to dispose  my old bike. (of / off / with)
  3. Tom differs  other people in many ways. (from / on / with)
  4. He knows how to deal  his clients. (in / with / to)
  5. We had nothing to declare  (at / on) the airport.
  6. Sarah can’t wait  her graduation. (until / to)
  7. The city was heavily bombed  the war (during / on)
  8. The fishes  (in / on) the river seemed very big.
  9. The girls  bicycles were very pretty. (on / in)
  10. Tina is always kind  friends. (to / with)

  1. The plane is bound for Japan.
  2. I want to dispose of my old bike.
  3. Tom differs from other people in many ways.
  4. He knows how to deal with his clients.
  5. We had nothing to declare at the airport.
  6. Sarah can’t wait until her graduation.
  7. The city was heavily bombed during the war.
  8. The fishes in the river seemed very big.
  9. The girls on bicycles were very pretty.
  10. Tina is always kind to friends.

Exercice temps anglais – Past Simple ou Past Perfect

Exercice temps anglais: Past Simple ou Past Perfect

Exercice à faire en ligne ou à imprimer en PDF avec son corrigé.

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Choisissez le temps qui convient (past simple ou past perfect).

  1. The wind  away the magazines that I  on the garden table.
  2. The teacher  the essays that his students  .
  3. The girls  at the pictures that they  the day before.

  1. The wind blew away the magazines that I had left on the garden table.
  2. The teacher corrected the essays that his students had written.
  3. The girls laughed at the pictures that they had taken the day before.

Past Simple OU Present Perfect Simple – Exercice temps anglais

Exercice temps anglais

Past Simple OU Present Perfect Simple ? Exercice avec corrigé et PDF à imprimer

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Choisissez le temps qui convient (simple past ou present perfect simple).

1.   to Japan?

2. Yes, I  there four times.

3. When  to Japan?

4. I last  there three years ago.  a few days in Osaka.

  1. Have you ever been to Japan?
  2. Yes, I have been there four times.
  3. When did you last go to Japan?
  4. I last went there three years ago. I spent a few days in Osaka.

Prétérit simple ou continu – Exercice anglais

Exercice temps anglais: Simple past ou past progressive

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Exercice 1

Choisissez le temps qui convient (past simple ou past progressive):

1. While Tom  video games, his wife  a book in the lounge.

2. He  a number.

3. While I  around the USA, I  many interesting places.


  1. While Tom was playing video games, his wife was reading a book in the lounge.
  2. He stood up, went to the phone and dialled a number.
  3. While I was travelling around the USA, I visited many interesting places.

Present perfect simple ou progressif exercice

Exercice temps anglais: Present perfect simple OU Present perfect progressif

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Choisissez le temps qui convient (présent perfect simple ou présent progressif):

1. Tina  for two hours.

2. Wendy  five emails.

3. I  on this project for less than an hour.

4. I still  all the files.

5. Tom is very tired because he  for two days.


  1. Tina has been reading for two hours.
  2. Wendy has written five emails.
  3. I have been working on this project for less than an hour.
  4. I still have not prepared all the files.
  5. Tom is very tired because he has not slept for two days.

Exercice temps anglais 11

Exercice temps anglais: Present simple ou present perfect progressif

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Choisissez le temps qui convient (présent simple ou présent progressif):

1. Wendy  English for four years.

2. She  Japanese and  every day.

3. Wendy  to a japanese school for two years.

4. The teachers there  their subjects in Japanese twice a week.


  1. Wendy has been learning English for four years.
  2. She likes Japanese and practises every day.
  3. Wendy has been going to a japanese school for two years.
  4. The teachers there teach their subjects in Japanese twice a week.

Exercice temps anglais Present simple ou present progressif

Exercice temps anglais

Present simple ou present progressif

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Exercice 1

Choisissez le temps qui convient (présent simple ou présent progressif):

1. Thomas  a book at the moment.

2. Wendy  an email to her boyfriend every day.

3. I usually  at eight.

4. Look, the kids  to the park.

5. We  every Wednesday.


  1. Thomas is reading a book at the moment.
  2. Wendy writes an email to her boyfriend every day.
  3. I usually get up at eight.
  4. Look, the kids are going to the park.
  5. We meet every Wednesday.

Exercice temps anglais: le conditionnel (would)

Exercice temps anglais: le conditionnel (would)

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Mettez les verbes au conditionnel:

  1. (I/read)    
  2. (you/swim)    
  3. (she/dance)    
  4. (we/help)    
  5. (they/listen)    

  1. I would read
  2. you would swim
  3. she would dance
  4. we would help
  5. they would listen

Exercice temps anglais (le futur perfect)

Exercice temps anglais (le futur perfect)

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Exemple de futur perfect pour vous aider: I will have played


Mettez les verbes au futur perfect:

  1. When you come home, I (cook)     dinner for you.
  2. They (wash)     the dishes by now.
  3. He (invite)     her for a coffee.
  4. In ten years’ time the house (fall)     into ruin.
  5. She (leave)     work for today.

  1. When you come home, I will have cooked dinner for you.
  2. They will have washed the dishes by now.
  3. He will have invited her for a coffee.
  4. In ten years’ time the house will have fallen into ruin.
  5. She will have left work for today.

Exercice temps anglais (le futur perfect continuous)

Exercice temps anglais (le futur perfect continuous)

Le futur perfect continuous (I will have been playing)

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Mettez les verbes entre parenthèse au futur progressif:

  1. They (watch)     TV all day.
  2. In half an hour she (work)     for six hours without a break.
  3. In two months I (teach)     English at this school for ten years.
  4. Next week you (live)     in your new house for a year.
  5. My friends (lie)     on the beach all holiday.

  1. They will have been watching TV all day.
  2. In half an hour she will have been working for six hours without a break.
  3. In two months I will have been teaching English at this school for ten years.
  4. Next week you will have been living in your new house for a year.
  5. My friends will have been lying on the beach all holiday.