Auteur/autrice : Mat

Les prépositions en anglais – Exercice 1

Les prépositions en anglais 1

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Exercice 1

Complétez les phrases suivantes:

  1. He invested his money  shares. (in /with)
  2. He has no interest  sports. (in /with)
  3. He has the reputation  being a great doctor. (for / of)
  4. They attacked him  his confession. (over / for / of)
  5. He fell a victim  his own trap. (to / of)
  6. The victims  the tsunami were mostly poor people. (to / of)
  7. After visiting Paris we went  Lyon. (with /to)
  8. He supplied the homeless  groceries. (with /to)
  9. He supplied groceries   the homeless. (with /to)

  1. in
  2. in
  3. of
  4. over
  5. to
  6. of
  7. to
  8. with
  9. to

Exercices voix passive anglais

Exercices voix passive anglais

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Choisissez la réponse correcte:

1.    The building  by a great architect.

a)    Is being built
b)    Has being built
c)    Is been built
d)    Is being building

2.    The castle 

a)    Has captured
b)    Has been captured
c)    Was been captured
d)    Had captured

3.    The director  for his movie.

a)    Was been rewarded
b)    Has been rewarded
c)    Had rewarded
d)    Has been rewarding

4.    It   that honesty is the best policy.

a)    Was said
b)    Is said
c)    Is being said
d)    Has said

5.    Promises should  

a)    Be kept
b)    Be keeping
c)    Have kept
d)    Have been keeping

6.    It is time for the match  

a)    To play
b)    To be played
c)    Is played
d)    Has been played

7.    I expect her   by you.

a)    To be helped
b)    To help
c)    To have been helped
d)    Should be helped

8.    I want the work  by 1pm.

a)    To finish
b)    To be finished
c)    Be finished
d)    To have been finished

9.    He  by his own family.

a)    Is been deceived
b)    Is being deceived
c)    Has being deceived
d)    Is deceiving

10.    The plan  by the Government.

a)    Has approved
b)    Has been approved
c)    Is been approved
d)    Had approved

11.    Have my orders  by you?

a)    Been carried out
b)    Be carried out
c)    Was carried out
d)    Being carried out

12.    The story was strongly 

a)    Listened to
b)    Been listened to
c)    Been listening to
d)    Listening to

13.    By whom was this song 

a)    Been written
b)    Written
c)    Have been written
d)    Wrote

14.    Do not  by the challenge.

a)    Be daunted
b)    Been daunted
c)    Daunted
d)    Daunt

15.    Australia  by the Dutch.

a)    Was discovered
b)    Discovered
c)    Had discovered
d)    Has discovered

16.    The tree  during the typhoon.

a)    Uprooted
b)    Was uprooted
c)    Had uprooted
d)    Has uprooted

17.    Your tax dollars  by the Government.

a)    Are spent
b)    Are spend
c)    Was spent
d)    Have spend

18.    The injured  home by helicopter.

a)    Was carried
b)    Were carried
c)    Have carried
d)    Had carried

1.    Is being built
2.    Has been captured
3.    Has been rewarded
4.    Is said
5.    Be kept
6.    To be played
7.    To be helped
8.    To be finished
9.    Is being deceived
10.    Has been approved
11.    Been carried out
12.    Listened to
13.    Written
14.    Be daunted
15.    Was discovered
16.    Was uprooted
17.    Are spent
18.    Were carried

Exercice voix passive anglais PDF

Exercice voix passive anglais

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Réécrivez les phrases suivantes à la voix passive:


Everybody loves him. => He is loved by everybody.

  1. He wrote an interesting book. => 
  2. Ms Mendez teaches us Spanish. => 
  3. The teacher helped her. => 
  4. The ambulance took the injured to the hospital. => 
  5. An typhoon destroyed the city. => 
  6. The girl’s work pleased the teacher. => 
  7. The earthquake damaged the building. => 
  8. Who taught you Japanese? => 
  9. The boss will give you a ticket. => 
  10. The hunter shot the tiger. => 
  11. An old woman opened the door. => 
  12. The boy threw the stone. => 
  13. His behavior vexes me. => 
  14. Actions reveal a person’s character. => 
  15. He made an incredible discovery. => 

  1. An interesting book was written by him.
  2. We are taught Spanish by Ms Mendez.
  3. She was helped by the teacher.
  4. The injured were taken to the hospital by the ambulance.
  5. The city was destroyed by a typhoon.
  6. The teacher was pleased with the girl’s work.
  7. The building was damaged by the earthquake.
  8. By whom were you taught Japanese?
  9. You will be given a ticket by the boss.
  10. The tiger was shot by the hunter.
  11. The door was opened by aold woman.
  12. The stone was thrown by the boy.
  13. I am vexed by his behavior.
  14. A person’s character is revealed by his/her actions.
  15. An incredible discovery was made by him.

Exercice voix passive anglais

Exercice voix passive anglais

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Exercice 1

Formez des phrases à la voix passive au temps appropriés:

Exemple :

(Automobiles / invent / Karl Benz) => Automobiles were invented by Karl Benz.

  1. (Pyramids / build / Egyptians) =>  
  2. (tea / grow / in Sri-Lanka) =>  
  3. (the Yen / use / in Japan) =>  
  4. (flowers / water / everyday) =>  
  5. (the murderer / arrest / policemen / yesterday) =>  
  6. (the injured / take to a hospital / now) =>  
  7. (the car / repair / tomorrow) =>  
  8. (the emails / send / last week) =>  

  1. Pyramids were built by Egyptians.
  2. Tea is grown in Sri-Lanka.
  3. The Yen is used in Japan.
  4. Flowers are watered everyday.
  5. The murderer was arrested by policemen yesterday.
  6. The injured are being taken to a hospital now.
  7. The car will be repaired tomorrow.
  8. The emails were sent last week.

Exercice passif anglais

Exercice passif anglais

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Ecrire les phrases au passif en utilisant le present perfect (has/have been + part. passé):

  1. the email / send 
  2. the bottles / count 
  3. the window / close
  4. the cakes / make
  5. the letter / write
  6. the flowers / plant
  7. the cash / spend
  8. the restaurant / book / not
  9. the bill / pay / not
  10. the tourists / inform / not

  1. The email has been sent.
  2. The bottles have been counted.
  3. The window has been closed.
  4. The cakes have been made.
  5. The letter has been written.
  6. The flowers have been planted.
  7. The cash has been spent.
  8. The restaurant has not been booked.
  9. The bill has not been paid.
  10. The tourists have not been informed.

Les modaux en anglais exercices

Exercices sur les modaux en anglais

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Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

  • au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
  • au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should

Verbes de probabilités:


Mettre ‘must + infinitive’ (pour parler du présent) ou ‘must + have + participe passé’ (pour parler du passé):

  1. Hiromi always does really well on exams. She must  a lot.
  2. That woman drives a very expensive car. She must  a lot of money.
  3. You must  a lot before you gave your speech. It was really good.
  4. When Linda got home yesterday there were flowers on the table. Her husband must  them.
  5. Where is my coat? I saw it earlier, so it must  in this room.
  6. Tina couldn’t find her keys. She thought she must  them at her office.
  7. It must  hot outside. That man in the street is just wearing a tee-shirt.
  8. All my plants must   dead! I forgot to water them before I went on holiday.
  9. Kelly is so late! She must  the bus!
  10. There’s rubbish all over my garden! A cat must  in the bin.
  11. Sandra has a huge library in her house. She must  books.
  12. Oh no, I don’t have my glasses! I must  them in the train.
  13. When Wendy got home, she found the ice cream had melted. It must  too hot in the car.
  14. If you haven’t eaten all day, you must  hungry.
  15. Martin and Sonya must  very tired. They have a new baby.
  16. It must  a lot in the night. There are puddles everywhere.
  17. Simon must  happy. His girlfriend just agreed to marry him.
  18. What an amazing kitchen you’ve got! You must  cooking.
  19. Quentin must  all the cookies! There are none left.
  20. When I got up this morning, the kitchen was spotless. Sarah must  it before she went to bed last night.

  1. must study
  2. must have
  3. must have practised
  4. must have bought
  5. must be
  6. must have left
  7. must be
  8. must be
  9. must have missed
  10. must have been
  11. must love
  12. must have left
  13. must have been
  14. must be
  15. must be
  16. must have rained
  17. must be
  18. must like
  19. must have eaten
  20. must have tidied

Exercices modaux anglais

Exercices sur les modaux en anglais

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Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

  • au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
  • au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should


Choisissez entre ‘can’, ‘can’t’, ‘could’ ou ‘couldn’t’. Si ce n’est pas possible, utilisez ‘be able to’ au temps qui convient:

  1.  you swim when you were 8?
  2. We  get to the meeting on time yesterday, because the plane was delayed by one hour.
  3. He  arrive at the concert on time, even after missing the subway.
  4. Tom is amazing, he  speak six languages, including Japanese.
  5. I  drive a car until I was 35. Then I moved to the USA, so I had to learn..
  6. I looked everywhere for my keys but I  find them anywhere.
  7. I searched for your apartment for ages. luckily I  find it in the end.
  8. She’s six years old, but she  read yet. Her parents are getting her extra lessons.
  9. I saw the movie four times, but I  understand it.
  10. Sam  speak Chinese when he lived in Shanghai, but he’s forgotten most of it now.
  11. I  understand the page we had to read for homework. It was too difficult.
  12. I  lift this table – it’s too heavy! Would you help me?
  13. Linda  make it to our party after all. She’s stuck in traffic.
  14. Tony  play soccer really well. He’s champion of his club.
  15. Unfortunately, I really  sing at all.
  16. When the taxi broke down I was really pleased because I  solve the problem.
  17. Kevin  play excellent golf when he was only nine.
  18. My grandfather  use a computer until last week.
  19. I  open this window! I think it’s stuck.
  20. Brad  play the guitar. He has never studied it.

  1. Could
  2. couldn’t
  3. was able to
  4. can
  5. couldn’t
  6. couldn’t
  7. was able to
  8. can’t
  9. couldn’t
  10. could
  11. can’t
  12. can’t
  13. can
  14. can’t
  15. was able to
  16. could
  17. couldn’t
  18. can’t
  19. can’t

Exercice anglais modaux

Exercices sur les modaux en anglais

Pour télécharger et imprimer en PDF gratuit cette page d’exercices en anglais, cliquez-ici !

Les corrections se trouvent en bas de page.

Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

  • au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
  • au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should

Exercices sur les verbes modaux d’obligation:


Remplir avec ‘mustn’t‘ ou ‘don’t / doesn’t have to‘:

  1. We have a lot of work tomorrow. You  be late.
  2. You  tell anyone what I just told you. It’s a secret.
  3. The entrance is free. You  pay to get in.
  4. Children  tell lies.
  5. Sam is rich. He  go to work.
  6.  do my washing because my mother does it for me.
  7. We  rush. We’ve got plenty of time.
  8. You  smoke inside the hospital.
  9. You can borrow my new car, but you  break it.
  10. We  miss the plane, otherwise we can not go to London.
  11. He  do this work today, he can do it tomorrow.
  12.  clean the house today because I did it yesterday.
  13. We  forget to lock all the doors before we leave.
  14. We  stay in a hotel in Paris; we can stay with my sister.
  15.  spend too much money today, as I’ve only got a little left.
  16. They  get up early today, because it’s Sunday.
  17.  eat too much cheeseburgers or I’ll get fat!
  18. We  be late for the exam.
  19. You  tidy up the room now. I’ll do it later.
  20. He  cook tonight because he’s going to a restaurant.

  1. mustn’t
  2. mustn’t
  3. don’t have to
  4. mustn’t
  5. doesn’t have to
  6. don’t have to
  7. don’t have to
  8. mustn’t
  9. mustn’t
  10. mustn’t
  11. doesn’t have to
  12. don’t have to
  13. mustn’t
  14. mustn’t
  15. don’t have to
  16. mustn’t
  17. mustn’t
  18. don’t have to
  19. doesn’t have to

Exercice modaux anglais

Exercices sur les modaux en anglais

Pour télécharger et imprimer en PDF gratuit cette page d’exercices en anglais, cliquez-ici !

Les corrections se trouvent en bas de page.

Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

  • au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
  • au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should


Trouvez le verbe modal qui convient (il peut être à la forme négative):

  1. It’s a hospital. You  smoke.
  2. He had been working for more than 11 hours. He  be tired after such hard work. He  prefer to get some rest.
  3. My mum said we  eat this pizza if we want to. But we  leave it if we don’t want to.
  4.  you stand on your hands for more than a minute? No, I  .
  5. If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you  to work hard.
  6. Take an umbrella. It  rain later.
  7. People  walk on the grass.
  8. Drivers  stop when the traffic lights are red.
  9.  I ask a question? Yes, of course.
  10.  you speak Italian? No, I  .

  1. mustn’t
  2. must / may
  3. can / can
  4. Can / can’t
  5. need
  6. might
  7. mustn’t
  8. must
  9. May
  10. Can / can’t

Exercice sur les verbes irréguliers en anglais

Exercice sur les verbes irréguliers en anglais

Exercices en anglais sur les verbes irréguliers, pratiques pour s’entraîner et améliorer son anglais.

Cliquez-ici pour télécharger et imprimer en PDF gratuit ces exercices anglais.

Exercice 1

A quel forme sont les verbes suivants ? Infinitif, prétérit (=past simple) et/ou participe passé ? Entourez la ou les bonnes réponses.

1. leapt => 

2. sawn => 

3. slide => 

4. rode => 

5. flew => 

6. proofread => 

7. trodden => 

8. stick => 

9. lit => 

10.  brought => 

1. leapt =>Prétérit  /  Participe passé
2. sawn => Participe passé
3. slide => Infinitif
4. rode => Prétérit
5. flew => Prétérit
6. proofread => Infinitif  / Prétérit  /  Participe passé
7. trodden => Participe passé
8. stick => Infinitif
9. lit =>  Prétérit  /  Participe passé
10.  brought => Prétérit  /  Participe passé

Tags: exercices verbes irréguliers anglais, exercice d’anglais sur les verbes irrégulier, exercice d’anglais verbes irréguliers, entrainement verbe irrégulier anglais, exercices verbes irréguliers anglais gratuit, exercices verbes irréguliers anglais seconde