Fiche vocabulaire anglais: communiquer
to add → ajouter
to admit → admettre
to announce → annoncer
to apologize → s’excuser
to approve of → d’approuver
to argue → se disputer
to break the silence → sortir du silence
to bring up → soulever une question
to broadcast → retransmettre
to chat → discuter
to claim → prétendre
to clarify → clarifier, élucider
to communicate → communiquer
to confess → avouer, confesser, admettre
to confirm → confirmer
to contest → concourir
to contradict → contredire
to converse with → s’entretenir avec
to convince → convaincre
to criticize → critiquer
to deceive → decevoir
to declare → déclarer
to deny → nier
to doubt → douter
to emphasize → souligner, accentuer
to exaggerate → Exagérer
to exchange → échanger
to express → exprimer
to fill (somebody) in mettre qqun au courant
to flatter → flatter
to gossip about → faire des commérages
to hear → entendre
to indicate → Indiquer
to influence → influencer
to inform → informer, renseigner
to insist → insister
to keep quiet → garder le silence
to listen → écouter
to make a statement → Faire une déclaration
to mention → à mentionner
to mumble → marmonner
to murmure → murmurer
to object → s’opposer
to pass on (something) → transmettre (quelque chose)
to persuade → persuader, convaincre
to point out → Indiquer
to predict → prédire
to pretend → prétendre
to promise → promettre
to recognize → reconnaître
to refute → réfuter
to repeat → répéter
to reply → répondre
to retort → répliquer
to say → dire
to shout → crier
to shriek → crier (un cri perçant)
to silence → réduire au silence
to slander → calomnier
to speak → parler
to speak out → parler haut et fort
to speak up about sth → parler ouvertement de qch
to stammer → balbutier, bégayer
to state → établir
to suppose → supposer
to talk → parler
to talk down to → prendre qn de haut
to talk through → discuter sérieusement
to talk to each other → se parler
to tell → raconter
to think through → bien réflechir à
to whisper → chuchoter
to yell → hurler
advised → informé
alerted → alerté
allusion → allusion
amended → modifié
an awkward silence → un silence gêné
announced → annoncé
answered → répondu
argument → argument
broadcasted → diffusé
clarified → clarifié
communicated → communiqué
condensed → condensé
conference → conférence
confession → confession
consulted → consulté
contacted → contacté
conversation → conversation
convinced → convaincu
convincing → convaincant
corresponded → correspondant
criticism → critique
crowd → foule
debate → débat
defined → défini
detailed → détaillé
dialogue → dialogue
disagreement → désaccord
discussion → discussion
disseminated → disséminé
documented → documenté
emailed → envoyé par courriel
emphasized → souligné
explained → expliqué
expressed → exprimé
gossip → potins
highlighted → a souligné
hint → allusion
informed → informé
interpreted → interprété
interview → entretien
interviewed → interviewé
lecture → conférence
megaphone → mégaphone
microphone → microphone
misunderstanding → malentendu
moderated → modéré
monologue → monologue
narrated → narré
notated → notée
notified → notifié
objection → objection
opinion → opinion
point of view → point de vue
posted → publié
presented → présenté
published → publié
questioned → interrogé
recorded → enregistré
relayed → relayé
reported → signalé
scribed → marqué
shared → partagé
small talk → papotage
specified → spécifié
speech → discours
statement → déclaration
suggested → suggéré
synthesized → synthétisé
transcribed → transcrit
translated → traduit
transmitted → transmis
tweeted → tweeté
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