Auteur/autrice : Mat

Exercice modaux anglais niveau 3ème (+PDF)

Exercices sur les modaux en anglais

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Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

  • au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
  • au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should


Choisissez entre ‘can’, ‘can’t’, ‘could’ ou ‘couldn’t’. Si ce n’est pas possible, utilisez ‘be able to’ au temps qui convient:

  1.  you swim when you were 8?
  2. We  get to the meeting on time yesterday, because the plane was delayed by one hour.
  3. He  arrive at the concert on time, even after missing the subway.
  4. Tom is amazing, he  speak six languages, including Japanese.
  5. I  drive a car until I was 35. Then I moved to the USA, so I had to learn..
  6. I looked everywhere for my keys but I  find them anywhere.
  7. I searched for your apartment for ages. luckily I  find it in the end.
  8. She’s six years old, but she  read yet. Her parents are getting her extra lessons.
  9. I saw the movie four times, but I  understand it.
  10. Sam  speak Chinese when he lived in Shanghai, but he’s forgotten most of it now.
  11. I  understand the page we had to read for homework. It was too difficult.
  12. I  lift this table – it’s too heavy! Would you help me?
  13. Linda  make it to our party after all. She’s stuck in traffic.
  14. Tony  play soccer really well. He’s champion of his club.
  15. Unfortunately, I really  sing at all.
  16. When the taxi broke down I was really pleased because I  solve the problem.
  17. Kevin  play excellent golf when he was only nine.
  18. My grandfather  use a computer until last week.
  19. I  open this window! I think it’s stuck.
  20. Brad  play the guitar. He has never studied it.

  1. can
  2. could
  3. could
  4. could
  5. can
  6. couldn’t
  7. must not
  8. will be able to
  9. can
  10. shouldn’t
  11. can’t
  12. don’t have to
  13. could
  14. could
  15. mustn’t
  16. could have helped
  17. could have been
  18. couldn’t have
  19. can’t be
  20. must

Les modaux en anglais (exercice niveau 3ème)

Exercices sur les modaux en anglais

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Les corrections se trouvent en bas de page.

Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

  • au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
  • au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should


Choisissez la bonne réponse:

1. I didn’t feel very well yesterday. I  eat anything.
cannot /  couldn’t / mustn’t

2. You  look at me when I am talking to you.
could / should / would

3. I was using my phone a minute ago. It  be here somewhere!
can / could / must / would

4. You really  be late again.
must not / don’t have to

5. If you don’t start working harder, you  repeat the course next year.
have to / must / will have to

6. He’s always  to do whatever he wants by his parents.
been able / been allowed

7. Call her now. She  home by now.
has to be / must be / would be

8. You   forget your sunglasses. It’s going to be very sunny outside!
don’t have to / mustn’t / needn’t

9. I  be able to take you to the airport, but I’m not sure yet.
might / would

10. We  pay to get in the museum, it was free.
needn’t / didn’t need to

11. You  have to learn spanish to get this job.

could / may / should / would

12. Bags  not be left unattended.
can / must / may

13. I really  try to get fit.
may / must / would

14.  take a picture of you?
May I / Am I allowed to

15. Customers  rent 3 DVD’s at any time.
are allowed to / could

16. Whose is this bag? – I don’t know, but it   belong to Linda.
could / may / should / would

17.  I go to the bathroom, please?
May / Must / Would

18. His excuse  be true, but I don’t believe.
can / may

19. It’s very important to  speak more than one language.
can / be able to

20. I don’t like  get up early on a Sunday.
being able to / being allowed to / having to

  1. couldn’t
  2. should
  3. must
  4. must not
  5. will have to
  6. been allowed
  7. must be
  8. mustn’t
  9. might
  10. didn’t need to
  11. may
  12. must
  13. must
  14. May I
  15. are allowed to
  16. may
  17. May
  18. may
  19. be able to
  20. having to

Exercice Modaux Anglais (Corrigé & PDF) |

Exercices sur les modaux en anglais

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Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

au présent: can, may, must, will, shall

au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should


Choisissez la réponse correcte pour exprimer l’idée spécifiée entre parenthèses.

  1. Whose computer is this? – I am not sure, it  be Tom’s. (possibilité)
    might / must / should / would
  2. He  home yesterday because his daughter was sick. (nécessité)
    could have stayed / had to stay / must have stayed / should have stayed
  3. You  leave school at 2:30 this afternoon. (permission)
    can / could / might / will
  4. Though he was sick, he  go the the soccer game. (capacité)
    could / might / should / was able to
  5. The restrooms look clean. You  wash them. (absence de nécessité)
    can’t / don’t have to / mustn’t / are not to
  6. You  disturb her during her homeworks! (l’interdiction)
    could not / don’t have to / must not / should not
  7. Whose bag is this? – It  be Samantha’s. I think I saw her carrying a blue bag like this one. (forte probabilité)
    might / could / must / would
  8. I don’t believe it. It  be true. (impossibilité)
    can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t / wouldn’t
  9. You don’t look well. You  see a doctor. (donner un conseil)
    are to / could / need to / should
  10. lending me your car tomorrow? (requête polie)
    Can you / Could you / Would you / Would you mind

  1. might
  2. had to stay
  3. can
  4. was able to
  5. don’t have to
  6. must not
  7. must
  8. can’t
  9. should
  10. Would you mind

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Exercice sur les modaux anglais (avec corrigé + PDF)

Exercices modaux anglaisExercices sur les modaux en anglais

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Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

au présent: can, may, must, will, shall

au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should


Choisissez la bonne réponse pour exprimer la capacité:

  1. Tina  speak five languages.
    may / can / could / has to
  2. Nicolas  speak only English and Spanish.
    may / can / could / has to
  3. Kevin’s teacher says that he  play the piano pretty well in half a year.
    can / could / will be able to / will have to
  4. I  meet her at the train station tomorrow.
    can / could / should / would
  5. I’m sure that Thomas  explain everything when he returns.
    can / could / will be able to / will have to
  6. My cat  very high when he was younger.
    could jump / could have jumped / might be able to jump / might have been able to jump
  7. One of the fishes  get out of the aquarium.
    could / might / was able to / had to
  8. Several criminals  escape from the prison.
    could / might / managed to / had to
  9. I wanted to talk to Sylvia yesterday, but I  find her.
    didn’t / might not / wouldn’t / couldn’t
  10. Anyone  make a mistake.
    may / can / could / is able to

  1. can
  2. can
  3. will be able to
  4. can
  5. will be able to
  6. could jump
  7. was able to
  8. managed to
  9. couldn’t
  10. can

Tags: Exercices modaux anglais, exercice anglais modaux, exercices sur les modaux anglais, exercice sur les modaux anglais, exercices sur les modaux en anglais, exercice sur les modaux en anglais, exercice modaux anglais, exercices modaux anglais, exercices anglais modaux, exercice sur les auxiliaires modaux en anglais, modaux anglais exercices, les modaux en anglais exercices

Used to – Exercice |

Used to en anglais – Exercice avec corrigé

Exercice en anglais sur Used to. Pour la télécharger et l’imprimer en PDf gratuit, cliquez-ici !


Complétez les phrases avec ‘used to’ à la forme correcte:

  1. Carl   (have) a Xbox, now he has a Playstation.
  2. She’s very busy. She   (not be) so busy before.
  3. I’ll have   (work) regular hours at my new workplace.
  4. It is difficult for Tina to drive in Australia. She   (drive) on the left-hand side of the road.
  5. When Sam was young, she   (ride) a bicycle to school.
  6. People from Thailand usually     (eat) spicy food.
  7. Computers   (be) very expensive but now they are cheap.
  8. Simon   (speak) English when he travels to Canada.
  9. When I was a kid, I   (spend) a lot of time with my sisters.
  10. Tom   (think) that he would never   (live) in Paris.

  1. used to have
  2. didn’t use to be
  3. to get used to working
  4. isn’t used to driving
  5. used to ride
  6. are used to eating
  7. used to be
  8. is used to speaking
  9. used to spend
  10. used to think – get used to living

Used to – Exercice anglais en ligne

Used to – Exercice anglais en ligne avec son corrigé

Exercice en anglais sur Used to. Pour la télécharger et l’imprimer en PDf gratuit, cliquez-ici !


Choisissez le mot correct

1. I couldn’t   used to the place.
– because
– get

2. I   to being spoken to like that!
– am not used
– don’t get used
– used

3. Before I started cycling, I   go to work by car.
– used to
– got used to
– was used to

4. She never   behave like that.
– used
– used to
– was used to

5. It’s taking me a long time to   speaking Japanese.
– used to
– get used to

6. I   play tennis on Sundays when I was at school.
– was used to
– used to

7. I like it now, but I  .
– didn’t use to
– didn’t used to

8. I find it hard   to the food in England.
– used
– get used
– to get used

9. I haven’t studied for ages but I’m finding it easy to get used to   every day.
– study
– studied
– studying

10. She used to    fat but now she’s thin.
– be
– being

11. She isn’t used to   in these conditions.
– work
– working

12. How did he get used to   in this new company?
– work
– working
– do work

13. Did she   go to the club when she was young?
– use to
– used to
– uses to

14. We need some time to get used to   in this country.
– live
– living

15. Tina used to   a doctor before he became a famous artist.
– be
– being
– do

16. I’m not used to   my car by hand.
– wash
– washing
– do washing

17. I’ll get used to    in Australia very quickly.
– live
– living

18. My brother didn’t   drink much alcohol.
– use to
– uses to
– used to

19. There used to   a lot of birds in this park.
– be
– being

20. It took him a while to get used to   on a computer keyboard.
– type
– typing

  1. get
  2. am not used
  3. used to
  4. used to
  5. get used to
  6. used to
  7. didn’t use to
  8. to get used
  9. studying
  10. be
  11. working
  12. working
  13. use to
  14. living
  15. be
  16. washing
  17. living
  18. use to
  19. be
  20. typing

Comparatif ou superlatif ? Exercice anglais avec corrigé

Comparatif ou superlatif ? Exercice anglais à faire en ligne avec son corrigé. Niveau 5ème et plus.

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Les corrections se trouvent en bas de page.


Complétez les phrases suivantes avec la forme appropriée de superlatif ou comparatif des adjectifs entre parenthèses

  1. My sister has a (tidy) room than me.
  2. Australia is (big) than England.
  3. I feel (good) now than yesterday.
  4. She’s got (little)  money than you.
  5. He thinks Japanese is (difficult) language in the world
  6. Paris played (bad) than Lyon yesterday.
  7. Cats are not (intelligent) as dogs.
  8. Show me (good) restaurant in your city.
  9. (hot)  place in the world is in Africa.
  10. Who is (amazing) person that you know?


  1. My sister has a (tidy) tidier room than me.
  2. Australia is (big) bigger than England.
  3. I feel (good) better now than yesterday.
  4. She’s got (little) less money than you.
  5. He thinks Japanese is (difficult) the most difficult language in the world.
  6. Paris played (bad) worse than Lyon yesterday.
  7. Cats are not (intelligent) as intelligent as dogs.
  8. Show me (good) the best restaurant in your city.
  9. (hot) The hottest place in the world is in Africa.
  10. Who is (amazing) the most amazing person that you know?

Exercice comparatif anglais (niveau 5ème)

Exercice sur le comparatif en anglais à faire en ligne avec son corrigé, niveau 5ème.

Pour télécharger et imprimer cette page d’ exercice en PDF gratuit, cliquez-ici  !

Les corrections se trouvent en bas de page.


Mettre l’adjectif entre parenthèse a la forme qui convient:

  1. How is your mother now? Is she any ? (Good)
  2. August is  than July in France. (Hot)
  3. She is  than her friend. (Pretty)
  4. Sam is the  boy in the class. (Smart)
  5. Your cat is big, but mine is  (Big)
  6. What is the  country in the world? (Large)
  7. Tom is the  friend I have. (Good)
  8. Her painting is , but yours is  (Bad)
  9. There is no animal  than the lion. (dangerous)
  10. Kenny is the  of the two. (Tall)
  11. A car is  than any other vehicules. (Useful)
  12. Who is the  guitarist? (Great)
  13. A knife is the  of all tools. (Useful)
  14. Helium is  than air. (Light)

  1. Better
  2. Hotter
  3. Prettier
  4. Smartest
  5. Bigger
  6. Largest
  7. Best
  8. Bad, worse
  9. dangerous
  10. Taller
  11. More useful
  12. Greatest
  13. Most useful
  14. Lighter

Superlatif anglais : exercice en ligne |

Superlatif anglais : exercice en ligne |

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Les corrections se trouvent en bas de page.


Faites une comparaison en utilisant l’adjectif ou l’adverbe entre parenthèses au comparatif ou superlatif:

1. Tina is 35, Sarah is 30. (old)


2. Mr Simpson looks happy. Mr Flanders never smiles. (happy)


3. I don’t like documentaries. I prefer movies. (good)


4. Tom can jump 2 metres, but Kenny can only jump 1. (high)


5. Paris is 600 km from here. Marseille is 100 km away. (far)


6. I got up at 8am, but she didn’t get up till 9am. (early)


7. The coat cost me 25 €. I got the pant fot 20 €. (expensive)


8. Unemployment is 5% in the USA, and 12% in France. (high).


  1. Tina is older than Sarah.
  2. Mr Simpson looks happier than Mr Flanders.
  3. Movies are better than documentaries.
  4. Tom can jump higher than Kenny.
  5. Paris further from here than Marseille.
  6. I got up earlier than her.
  7. The coat was more expensive than the pant
  8. Unemployment is higher in France than in the USA.

The ou article zéro ? Exercice anglais

The ou article zéro ? Exercice anglais

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Les corrections se trouvent en bas de page.


Faut-il utiliser l’article ‘the’ dans les phrases suivantes ?

  1. Have you seen  salt?
  2. Do you take  sugar in your tea?
  3. Vegetarians don’t eat  meat.
  4. Where did you put  money I gave you?
  5.  tennis is my favourite sport.
  6. I think  cheese they make in France is the best.
  7. The dog is looking for  food.
  8. I don’t know what  brand of their car is.
  9. This table is made of  glass.
  10. Where’s  sugar?
  11. Do you like  Japanese food?
  12. If you want to make a pizza, you will have to buy  flour.
  13. All the plants need  water.
  14. His new suit is made of  wool.
  15. What you need is  sleep.
  16. Do you like  wine? – Sorry, I don’t drink any alcohol.
  17. I need  help.
  18. Is this table made of  plastic or metal?
  19. I usually eat  pasta for dinner.
  20. Wish me  luck!

  1. Have you seen the salt?
  2. Do you take sugar in your tea?
  3. Vegetarians don’t eat meat.
  4. Where did you put the money I gave you?
  5. Tennis is my favourite sport.
  6. I think the cheese they make in France is the best.
  7. The dog is looking for food.
  8. I don’t know what the brand of their car is.
  9. This table is made of glass.
  10. Where’s the sugar?
  11. Do you like Japanese food?
  12. If you want to make a pizza, you will have to buy flour.
  13. All the plants need water.
  14. His new suit is made of wool.
  15. What you need is sleep.
  16. Do you like wine? – Sorry, I don’t drink any alcohol.
  17. I need help.
  18. Is this table made of plastic or metal?
  19. I usually eat pasta for dinner.
  20. Wish me luck!