Catégorie : Exercices

Exercice anglais – la voix passive (niveau 4ème)

Exercice anglais – la voix passive (niveau 4ème)

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Exercice 4

Faites des phrases au passif impersonnel

Exemple: His friends say that he is very shy => It is said by his friend that he is very shy.

They think that he earns a lot of money.
Tourists say that this country has incredible sceneries.
Everybody knows that this music is Phil Collins’s best song.
The police assume that the arrested man has killed a hiker.
Experts suppose that this painting belonged to Napoleon.


They think that he earns a lot of money.
→ He is thought to earn a lot of money.
Tourists say that this country has incredible sceneries.
→ This country is said to have incredible sceneries.
Everybody knows that this music is Phil Collins’s best song.
→ This music is known to be Phil Collins’s best song.
The police assume that the arrested man has killed a hiker.
→ The arrested man is assumed to have killed a hiker.
Experts suppose that this painting belonged to Napoleon.
→ This painting is supposed to have belonged to Napoleon.

Test anglais : la voix passive

Exercice passif anglais

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Exercice 5

Faites des phrases à la forme passive en utilisant le prétérit (was / were):

  1. the test / write 
  2. the table / set 
  3. the dog / feed 
  4. the computers / switch on 
  5. the building / build 
  6. lunch / serve 
  7. this car / sell / not 
  8. the bike / stop / not 
  9. the rooms / clean / not 
  10. the kids / pick up / not 

  1. The test was written.
  2. The table was set.
  3. The dog was fed.
  4. The computers were switched on.
  5. The building was built.
  6. Lunch was served.
  7. This car was not sold.
  8. The bike was not stopped.
  9. The rooms were not cleaned.
  10. The kids were not picked up.

Exercice sur les adverbes en anglais |

Exercice sur les adverbes en anglais

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Trouvez l’adverbe qui convient grâce à l’adjectif dans la première phrase: 

  1. Linda is happy. She smiles .
  2. The girl is loud. She shouts .
  3. Her French is fluent. She speaks French  .
  4. Our dad was angry. He spoke to us .
  5. My brother is a careless driver. He drives .
  6. The singer is awful. He sings  .
  7. Sam is a wonderful guitar player. He plays the guitar  .
  8. This dog is very quiet. He often walk around the house  .
  9. Tina is a good dancer. She dances really .
  10. This test is simple. You have to put answers in each box.


  1. happy / happily
  2. loud / loudly
  3. fluent / fluently
  4. angry / angrily
  5. careless / carelessly
  6. awful / awfully
  7. wonderful  / wonderfully
  8. quiet / quietly
  9. good  / well
  10. simple / simply

Exercice sur les adverbes anglais en ligne

Exercice adverbes anglais

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Choisissez la forme de comparatif ou superlatif correcte pour les adverbes entre parenthèses:

  1. She works (well) than her collegues.
  2. I cook (badly)  than he does.
  3. She greeted me (polite) of all.
  4. She smiled (happy) than before.
  5. This girl dances (graceful) of all.
  6. Could you write (clear) ?
  7. Planes can fly (high) than birds.
  8. Jim can run (fast) than John.
  9. Our team played (bad) of all.
  10. He worked (hard) than ever before.

  1. better
  2. worse
  3. most politely
  4. more happily
  5. most gracefully
  6. more clearly
  7. higher
  8. faster
  9. worst
  10. harder

Could, Should et Would – Exercice anglais en ligne

Could, Should et Would – Exercice anglais en ligne

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Could, Should et Would – Exercice anglais en ligne

Choisissez la bonne réponse:

  1. She  like to have kids one day.
  2. You  always let me know when you go out.
  3. You  worry about it. It’s not important.
  4. Where is my key? I  find it yesterday!
  5. If you don’t like your job, you  look for another one.
  6. People  worry more about environment.
  7. If I had enough money, I  travel to Japan.
  8.   you like something to drink?
  9. Every driver  be wearing a seatbelt.
  10.  you tell me how much it costs?
  11. You  have studied harder for the test.
  12. If I were you, I  visit this museum.
  13. You really  not drink so much.
  14. You  try to lose weight.
  15. You  spend your holidays in Australia, it’s a beautiful country.

  1. would
  2. should
  3. shouldn’t
  4. couldn’t
  5. should
  6. should
  7. could
  8. would
  9. should
  10. could
  11. should
  12. would
  13. should
  14. should
  15. could

Exercice pronom personnel anglais à imprimer

Exercice pronom personnel anglais à imprimer

Les pronoms personnels anglais: exercices (I, he, she, him, her, us…).

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Choisissez le bon pronom personnel (il y a plusieurs réponses possibles):

1. Tom is in the soccer team.  is a good bowler.

2. Samantha is learning japanese.  practices every day.

3. Brad and Arnold are good friends.  go to school together.

4.  are on holidays.

5.  are a big family: I have ten cousins!

6. During my vacation, katy send  a letter.

7. Carla tried the blue and the red dress.  likes both of  .

8. Before, Ron didn’t like my friends. Now  likes  .

9. Linda forgot the bike near  house.

10. They are always lying. I need to stop listening to  .

  1. He
  2. She
  3. They
  4. We / they
  5. They
  6. me
  7. She / them.
  8. she / them.
  9. her
  10. them.

Pronoms personnels anglais – Exercice niveau 6ème

Les pronoms personnels en anglais – exercice (niveau 6ème)

Les pronoms personnels anglais: exercices (I, he, she, him, her, us…).

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Remplacez le pronom-sujet avec le pronom objet qui convient:

  1. You need to give that to (he)  .
  2. This english test is too difficult for (I)   .
  3. We are cleaning the car. Can you help (we)   ?
  4. Tina just received an email. Can you read it to (she)   ?
  5. My friends just told me they are moving out. So I’m going to help (they) .


  1. You need to give that to him.
  2. This english test is too difficult for me.
  3. We are cleaning the car. Can you help us?
  4. Tina just received an email. Can you read it to her?
  5. My friends just told me they are moving out. So I’m going to help them.

Exercice pronom personnel anglais en ligne à imprimer

Exercice pronom personnel anglais en ligne à imprimer

Les pronoms personnels anglais: exercices (I, he, she, him, her, us…).

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Choisissez le bon pronom personnel:

1.    Paul is my student.  is very clever.
a) He
b) She
c) They
d) It

2.    Sarah is my sister.  lives in England.
a) He
b) She
c) They
d) It

3.    My dog is bigger than  .
a) Their
b) Theirs
c) Your
d) Her

4.    This is  house.
a) Mine
b) My
c) Ours
d) We

5.      is snowing outside.
a) They
b) He
c) There
d) It

6.   My parents had a walk in the park.   had a nice time.
a) He
b) She
c) They
d) It

7.    My friends lives in Madrid. I visit   often.
a) They
b) Them
c) We
d) Us

8.     is very proud of his new job.
a) He
b) She
c) They
d) We

9.    The dinner was burnt. We threw  away.
a) Them
b) They
c) It
d) This

10.    My smartphone is better than  .
a) Your
b) Yours
c) Our
d) Her

11.    His car is black.  is blue.
a) My
b) Mine
c) Me
d) I

12.    I have lost my keys. Did you see  ?
a) It
b) They
c) Them
d) That

13.    I bought some oranges.  were very sweet.
a) They
b) We
c) It
d) That

14. I have a younger sister.  is ten years old.
a) She
b) Her
c) He

15. My cousin works in a hospital.  is a surgeon.
a) He
b) Him
c) His

16.  My mother is very nice. Have you met ?
a) she
b) her
c) him

17. Your parents always invite us. We should give  a present.
a) they
b) them
c) him
d) her

18. Look at those people at the beach.  are having so much fun.
a) They
b) Them
c) Those

19. I would visit to meet Thomas. Do you know where  lives?
a) he
b) him
c) them

20. I haven’t met Sarah in several days. I don’t know what happened to .
a) she
b) her

  1. He
  2. She
  3. Theirs
  4. My
  5. It
  6. They
  7. Them
  8. He
  9. It
  10. Yours
  11. Mine
  12.  Them
  13. They
  14. She
  15. He
  16. her?
  17. them.
  18. They
  19. he
  20. her.

Prétérit simple ou continu – Exercice anglais en ligne

Prétérit simple ou continu – Exercice anglais en ligne

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le past simple ou le past progressive:

1. While Kevin (watch)   soccer on TV, Wendy (listen)   to the radio.

2. When I (walk)   down Queen Street, I (discover)   a wonderful store.

3. The angry little boy (throw)   her toy onto the floor and(stamp)   her foot.

4. I (receive)   your email while I (sit)   in the hospital waiting room.

5. When Tina (be)   little, she (hate)   the smell of broccoli.


  1. While Kevin was watching soccer on TV, Wendy was listening to the radio.
  2. When I was walking down Queen Street, I discovered a wonderful store.
  3. The angry little boy threw her toy onto the floor and stamped her foot.
  4. I received your email while I was sitting in the hospital waiting room.
  5. When Tina was little, she hated the smell of broccoli.

Present Perfect Simple ou Progressif | Exercice anglais en ligne

Present Perfect Simple ou Progressif | Exercice anglais en ligne

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le présent simple ou le présent progressif:

1. I (study)   all day, but I am afraid I (learn/not)   much.

2. Tom (eat)   two hamburgers today.

3. The boy’s clothes are dirty because he (play)   in the mud.

4. I (arrive/just)   at the station.

5. We are exhausted because we (do)   exercise all afternoon.

6. Simon feels a bit unsteady because he (cycle/not)   for five years.

7. How long (you/work)   for this office?

8. The kids (finish/not)   their lunch yet.

9. kevin (watch)   the film six times.

  1. I have been studying all day, but I am afraid I have not learnt much.
  2. Tom has eaten two hamburgers today.
  3. The boy’s clothes are dirty because he has been playing in the mud.
  4. I have just arrived at the station.
  5. We are exhausted because we have been doing exercise all afternoon.
  6. Simon feels a bit unsteady because he has not cycled for five years.
  7. How long have you been working for this office?
  8. The kids have not finished their lunch yet.
  9. Kevin has watched the film six times.