Catégorie : Exercices

Les pronoms possessifs anglais exercices

Les pronoms et adjectifs possessifs anglais: exercices

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec un pronom ou un adjectif possessif: 

  1. We have a car. It belongs to . It is  car. The car is .
  2. This money is not . It does not belong to . It belongs to  friend. It is .
  3. She has nice shoes, but they are not . They do not belong to . They are  mother’s.
  4. He came back with a new toy but it is not . It does not belong to . It is  brother’s toy.
  5. I have an Iphone, but it is not . It does not belong to . It is  father’s.
  6. You have a camera. Is that camera ? Does that camera belong to ?


  1. We have a car. It belongs to us. It is our car. The car is ours.
  2. This money is not mine. It does not belong to me. It belongs to my friend. It is his.
  3. She has nice shoes, but they are not hers. They do not belong to her. They are her mother’s.
  4. He came back with a new toy but it is not his. It does not belong to him. It is his brother’s toy.
  5. I have an Iphone, but it is not mine. It does not belong to me. It is my father’s.
  6. You have a camera. Is that camera yours? Does that camera belong to you?


Les pronoms personnels anglais exercices

Les pronoms personnels anglais: exercices (I, he, she, him, her, us…).

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Complétez les phrases avec le pronom sujet qui convient:

  1.  went to the cinema with my brother last night.
  2. Nicolas saw Tina and Bob at the supermarket this morning.  asked them if  wanted to go to the pub tonight.
  3. My sister and I love to visit Paris.  go there every summer.
  4. Do  like to play soccer?
  5.  prefers to play tennis.
  6. John likes to do hiking, so his parents gave  a brand new backpack for his birthday.
  7. Kenny lives next door to Tom. Often  play soccer together.
  8. Linda would like to see her grandmother. She wants to visit  tomorrow.
  9. My friends and I like skiing. During the winter holidays  go to the mountain.
  10. Stop scaring  ! I don’t like that.

  1. I went to the cinema with my brother last night.
  2. Nicolas saw Tina and Bob at the supermarket this morning. asked them if they wanted to go to the pub tonight.
  3. My sister and I love to visit Paris. We go there every summer.
  4. Do you like to play soccer?
  5. She prefers to play tennis.
  6. John likes to do hiking, so his parents gave him a brand new backpack for his birthday.
  7. Kenny lives next door to Tom. Often they play soccer together.
  8. Linda would like to see her grandmother. She wants to visit her tomorrow.
  9. My friends and I like skiing. During the winter holidays we go to the mountain.
  10. Stop scaring me! I don’t like that.

Les articles en anglais exercices (a, an, the)

Les articles en anglais exercices (a, an, the)

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a, an ou the ? Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant l’article approprié:

  1. Tina is  pretty girl.
  2. He is  tallest boy in  class.
  3. She is writing  book.
  4. She has  eight year old daughter.
  5. Australia is one of  biggest countries in  world.
  6. He has won  medal at the competion.
  7. The elephant is  big animal.
  8. Sarah is  lovely girl.
  9. Why is your shoe on  table?
  10. It was  best thing to do.

  1. a
  2. the / the
  3. a
  4. a
  5. the / the
  6. the
  7. the
  8. a
  9. the
  10. a

Adverbe anglais – Exercices

Adverbe anglais – Exercices

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Exercice 1

Construisez des adverbes avec les adjectifs suivants:

  1. serious → 
  2. quiet → 
  3. sad → 
  4. whole → 
  5. wild → 
  6. happy → 
  7. funny → 
  8. good → 
  9. perfect → 

  1. serious → seriously
  2. quiet → quietly
  3. sad → sadly
  4. whole → wholly
  5. wild → wildly
  6. happy → happily
  7. funny → funnily
  8. good → well
  9. perfect → perfectly

Les prépositions en anglais exercice 2

Les prépositions en anglais exercices

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Choisissez la bonne réponse:

  1. What is wrong  Tina today? (with / for / at)
  2. Could you translate this  Japanese for me? (in / into / onto)
  3. The police is searching  drugs. (for / with / about)
  4. Mum drove a wall again yesterday. (into / against / at)
  5. I must apologize disturbing you. (to / for / with)
  6. Why is he receiving money  the Government? (with / of / from)
  7. We searched  the missing boy for three days. (for / on / about)
  8. I’m short  money these days. (of / off / on)
  9. We were talking  our next trip to Italy. (about / of / on)
  10. He reminds me an old friend. (off / of / about)

  1. What is wrong with Tina today?
  2. Could you translate this into Japanese for me?
  3. The police is searching for drugs.
  4. Mum drove into a wall again yesterday.
  5. I must apologize for disturbing you.
  6. Why is he receiving money from the Government?
  7. We searched for the missing boy for three days.
  8. I’m short of money these days.
  9. We were talking about our next trip to Italy.
  10. He reminds me of an old friend.

Les prépositions en anglais – Exercice 1

Les prépositions en anglais 1

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Exercice 1

Complétez les phrases suivantes:

  1. He invested his money  shares. (in /with)
  2. He has no interest  sports. (in /with)
  3. He has the reputation  being a great doctor. (for / of)
  4. They attacked him  his confession. (over / for / of)
  5. He fell a victim  his own trap. (to / of)
  6. The victims  the tsunami were mostly poor people. (to / of)
  7. After visiting Paris we went  Lyon. (with /to)
  8. He supplied the homeless  groceries. (with /to)
  9. He supplied groceries   the homeless. (with /to)

  1. in
  2. in
  3. of
  4. over
  5. to
  6. of
  7. to
  8. with
  9. to

Exercices voix passive anglais

Exercices voix passive anglais

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Choisissez la réponse correcte:

1.    The building  by a great architect.

a)    Is being built
b)    Has being built
c)    Is been built
d)    Is being building

2.    The castle 

a)    Has captured
b)    Has been captured
c)    Was been captured
d)    Had captured

3.    The director  for his movie.

a)    Was been rewarded
b)    Has been rewarded
c)    Had rewarded
d)    Has been rewarding

4.    It   that honesty is the best policy.

a)    Was said
b)    Is said
c)    Is being said
d)    Has said

5.    Promises should  

a)    Be kept
b)    Be keeping
c)    Have kept
d)    Have been keeping

6.    It is time for the match  

a)    To play
b)    To be played
c)    Is played
d)    Has been played

7.    I expect her   by you.

a)    To be helped
b)    To help
c)    To have been helped
d)    Should be helped

8.    I want the work  by 1pm.

a)    To finish
b)    To be finished
c)    Be finished
d)    To have been finished

9.    He  by his own family.

a)    Is been deceived
b)    Is being deceived
c)    Has being deceived
d)    Is deceiving

10.    The plan  by the Government.

a)    Has approved
b)    Has been approved
c)    Is been approved
d)    Had approved

11.    Have my orders  by you?

a)    Been carried out
b)    Be carried out
c)    Was carried out
d)    Being carried out

12.    The story was strongly 

a)    Listened to
b)    Been listened to
c)    Been listening to
d)    Listening to

13.    By whom was this song 

a)    Been written
b)    Written
c)    Have been written
d)    Wrote

14.    Do not  by the challenge.

a)    Be daunted
b)    Been daunted
c)    Daunted
d)    Daunt

15.    Australia  by the Dutch.

a)    Was discovered
b)    Discovered
c)    Had discovered
d)    Has discovered

16.    The tree  during the typhoon.

a)    Uprooted
b)    Was uprooted
c)    Had uprooted
d)    Has uprooted

17.    Your tax dollars  by the Government.

a)    Are spent
b)    Are spend
c)    Was spent
d)    Have spend

18.    The injured  home by helicopter.

a)    Was carried
b)    Were carried
c)    Have carried
d)    Had carried

1.    Is being built
2.    Has been captured
3.    Has been rewarded
4.    Is said
5.    Be kept
6.    To be played
7.    To be helped
8.    To be finished
9.    Is being deceived
10.    Has been approved
11.    Been carried out
12.    Listened to
13.    Written
14.    Be daunted
15.    Was discovered
16.    Was uprooted
17.    Are spent
18.    Were carried

Exercice voix passive anglais PDF

Exercice voix passive anglais

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Réécrivez les phrases suivantes à la voix passive:


Everybody loves him. => He is loved by everybody.

  1. He wrote an interesting book. => 
  2. Ms Mendez teaches us Spanish. => 
  3. The teacher helped her. => 
  4. The ambulance took the injured to the hospital. => 
  5. An typhoon destroyed the city. => 
  6. The girl’s work pleased the teacher. => 
  7. The earthquake damaged the building. => 
  8. Who taught you Japanese? => 
  9. The boss will give you a ticket. => 
  10. The hunter shot the tiger. => 
  11. An old woman opened the door. => 
  12. The boy threw the stone. => 
  13. His behavior vexes me. => 
  14. Actions reveal a person’s character. => 
  15. He made an incredible discovery. => 

  1. An interesting book was written by him.
  2. We are taught Spanish by Ms Mendez.
  3. She was helped by the teacher.
  4. The injured were taken to the hospital by the ambulance.
  5. The city was destroyed by a typhoon.
  6. The teacher was pleased with the girl’s work.
  7. The building was damaged by the earthquake.
  8. By whom were you taught Japanese?
  9. You will be given a ticket by the boss.
  10. The tiger was shot by the hunter.
  11. The door was opened by aold woman.
  12. The stone was thrown by the boy.
  13. I am vexed by his behavior.
  14. A person’s character is revealed by his/her actions.
  15. An incredible discovery was made by him.

Exercice voix passive anglais

Exercice voix passive anglais

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Exercice 1

Formez des phrases à la voix passive au temps appropriés:

Exemple :

(Automobiles / invent / Karl Benz) => Automobiles were invented by Karl Benz.

  1. (Pyramids / build / Egyptians) =>  
  2. (tea / grow / in Sri-Lanka) =>  
  3. (the Yen / use / in Japan) =>  
  4. (flowers / water / everyday) =>  
  5. (the murderer / arrest / policemen / yesterday) =>  
  6. (the injured / take to a hospital / now) =>  
  7. (the car / repair / tomorrow) =>  
  8. (the emails / send / last week) =>  

  1. Pyramids were built by Egyptians.
  2. Tea is grown in Sri-Lanka.
  3. The Yen is used in Japan.
  4. Flowers are watered everyday.
  5. The murderer was arrested by policemen yesterday.
  6. The injured are being taken to a hospital now.
  7. The car will be repaired tomorrow.
  8. The emails were sent last week.

Exercice passif anglais

Exercice passif anglais

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Ecrire les phrases au passif en utilisant le present perfect (has/have been + part. passé):

  1. the email / send 
  2. the bottles / count 
  3. the window / close
  4. the cakes / make
  5. the letter / write
  6. the flowers / plant
  7. the cash / spend
  8. the restaurant / book / not
  9. the bill / pay / not
  10. the tourists / inform / not

  1. The email has been sent.
  2. The bottles have been counted.
  3. The window has been closed.
  4. The cakes have been made.
  5. The letter has been written.
  6. The flowers have been planted.
  7. The cash has been spent.
  8. The restaurant has not been booked.
  9. The bill has not been paid.
  10. The tourists have not been informed.