Auteur/autrice : Mat

Exercice anglais – le futur simple be going to

Exercice temps anglais futur simple going to

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Faites des questions au futur going to:

  1. (you/help/me) ?
  2. (she/study/in London) ?
  3. (they/paint/the room) ?
  4. (he/apply/for that job) ?
  5. (what/you/do)  about this?


  1. Are you going to help me?
  2. Is she going to study in London?
  3. Are they going to paint the room?
  4. Is he going to apply for the job?
  5. What are you going to do about this?

Futur perfect continuous anglais (Exercice en ligne)

Exercice temps anglais (le futur perfect continuous)

Le futur perfect continuous (I will have been playing)

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Faites des questions au futur progressif:

  1. (How long/we/wait/for her)     by now?
  2. (How long/they/run)    ?
  3. (How long/she/learn/English)    ?
  4. (How long/they/go out together)    ?
  5. (How long/he/do/this)    ?

  1. How long will we have been waiting for her by now?
  2. How long will they have been running?
  3. How long will she have been learning English?
  4. How long will they have been going out together?
  5. How long will he have been doing this?

Exercice sur le conditionnel anglais (en ligne)

Exercice sur le conditionnel anglais (en ligne)

Ex: I would have played

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Faites des questions au conditionnel:

  1. (carry/you/that heavy box) ?
  2. (How/they/know)  your phone number?
  3. (Who/pay/the bill)  if he hadn’t?
  4. (What/happen)  if they had found out?
  5. (What/we/see)  if we had gone there?


  1. Would you have carried that heavy box?
  2. How would they have known your phone number?
  3. Who would have paid the bill if he hadn’t?
  4. What would have happened if they had found out?
  5. What would we have seen if we had gone there?

Exercice conditionnel anglais 4eme

Exercice conditionnel anglais (niveau 4eme)

Ex: I would have played

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Mettez les verbes entre parenthèse au conditionnel:

  1. If you had read the book, you (pass)  the test.
  2. If I had had more time, I (walk)  to the station.
  3. If we had got up earlier, we (miss/not)  the bus.
  4. He (do/not)  that.
  5. She (win/not)  the race if she had not trained so hard for it.


  1. If you had read the book, you would have passed the test.
  2. If I had had more time, I would have walked to the station.
  3. If we had got up earlier, we would not have missed the bus.
  4. He would not have done that.
  5. She would not have won the race if she had not trained so hard for it.

Exercice conditionnel anglais en ligne

Exercice conditionnel anglais en ligne

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Faites des questions au conditionnel:

  1. (he/go)     to the party if he had an invitation?
  2. (what/you/say)     if someone gave you the chance to act in a movie?
  3. (why/she/go/by bus)     every day if she had a car?
  4. If you could choose any place on earth, (where/you/spend)     your holidays?
  5. (Who/meet/me)     at the station if I took an earlier train?

  1. Would he go to the party if he had an invitation?
  2. What would you say if someone gave you the chance to act in a movie?
  3. Why would she go by bus every day if she had a car?
  4. If you could choose any place on earth, where would you spend your holidays?
  5. Who would meet me at the station if I took an earlier train?

Exercice sur le conditionnel anglais

Exercice sur le conditionnel anglais

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Mettez les verbes entre parenthèse au conditionnel:

  1. If I had time, I (go)  to the cinema with you.
  2. If we had more money, we (buy)  a brand new TV.
  3. If we were on school holidays, I (have/not)  to study now.
  4. If you were clever, you (do/not)  this.
  5. If she had a cold, she (sing/not) .

  1. If I had time, I would go to the cinema with you.
  2. If we had more money, we would buy a brand new TV.
  3. If we were on school holidays, I would not have to study now.
  4. If you were clever, you would not do this.
  5. If she had a cold, she would not sing.

Exercices present simple present be ing 5eme

Exercices present simple present be ing (niveau 5ème)

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Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses au Present Simple ING:

  1. Sam (play)   tennis at the moment.
  2. Her dog (run)   around in the park.
  3. They (go/not)   to London next week.
  4. John (smoke)   a cigarette outside.
  5. I (swim)  in the lake.
  6. Tina (clean)   her house.
  7. They (watch/not)   a movie.

  1. Sam is playing tennis at the moment.
  2. Her dog is running around in the park.
  3. They are not going to London next week.
  4. John is smoking a cigarette outside.
  5. I am swimming in the lake.
  6. Tina is cleaning her house.
  7. They are not watching a movie.

Les 100 verbes les plus utilisés en anglais

La liste complète des 100 verbes anglais

Pour télécharger gratuitement cette liste de verbes en PDF, cliquez-ici.


accepter to accept
acheter to buy
aider to help
aimer to like, to love
ajouter to add
aller to go
allumer to turn on
appeler to call, to contact
apporter to bring, to take
apprendre to learn, to teach, to hear of
arrêter to stop
arriver to arrive, to happen
attendre to wait for, to expect
avoir to have
avoir besoin to require
casser to break
changer to change, to alter
chanter to sing
chercher to search, to look for, to seek
choisir to choose, to select
commencer to begin, to start
comprendre to understand, to include
compter to count
conduire to drive
connaître to know, to get to know
continuer to continue
couper to cut
courir to run
croire to believe (in)
décider to decide
demander to ask for
descendre to go down
devenir to become, to turn into
devoir to must, to have to, to owe
dire to say, to tell
donner to give
dormir to sleep
écouter to listen to
écrire to write
empêcher to prevent, to stop
entendre to hear
entrer to enter, to go into
envoyer to send
essayer to try, to attempt
éteindre to turn off
être to be
exister to exist
expliquer to explain
faire to do, to make
faire la cuisine to cook
fermer to close
finir, terminer to finish, finish
gagner to win, to gain, to earn
garder to keep
goûter to taste
jeter to throw
jouer to play, to gamble, to act
laisser to leave, to let, to allow
laver, nettoyer to clean (up)
lire to read
manger to eat
marcher to walk
mettre to put, to place
montrer to show, to display
oublier to forget
ouvrir to open (up)
parler to speak, to talk
partir to leave, to depart
payer to pay
penser to think
perdre to lose, to waste
permettre to allow, to permit, to enable
pleurer to cry
porter to wear, to carry
poser to put down, to lay something down
pouvoir to be able (can)
prendre to take, to catch
préparer to prepare something, to make
rappeler to call back, to remind
recevoir to receive
reconnaître to recognize, to acknowledge
refuser to refuse
regarder, voir to watch, see
rencontrer to meet, to encounter
rendre to return something, to give back
rentrer (à la maison) to go home
répéter to repeat
répondre to answer, to reply
ressembler to look like
rester to stay, to remain
retourner to return, to come back
retrouver to find, to meet up, to regain
réussir to succeed
revenir to come back, to return
rire to laugh
s’asseoir to take a seat
s’endormir to fall asleep
savoir to know
se laver to Wash oneself
se reposer to take a rest
se réveiller to awake
se souvenir, se rappeler to remember
sortir to get out, to leave, to exit, to come out
suivre to follow, to pay attention
tenir to hold, to keep
tirer to pull, to draw (curtains…), to fire a gun
tomber to fall
toucher to touch, to feel
tourner to turn
travailler to work
trouver to find, to discover
utiliser to use, to employ
vendre to sell
venir to come
vivre to live
voir to see
voler to fly
vouloir to want, to wish

Voir toutes les autres fiches de vocabulaire en ligne


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Présent simple anglais | Exercice en ligne

Présent simple anglais | Exercice en ligne (2)

Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme correcte au présent simple:

  1. They all (speak)  three languages.
  2. I (not/like)  travelling.
  3. I (love)  you.
  4. This (weigh)  15 kilograms.
  5. Nicolas (seem)  serious.
  6. We (like)  tomatoes.
  7. The girl (want)  to play.
  8. You (need)  to sleep.
  9. They (agree)  with me.
  10. She (hear)  something strange.
  11. The box (contain)  food.
  12. Harry (look)  sad.
  13. Bob (know)  how to fix a car.
  14. Carl and Linda (seem)  happy.
  15. This (smell)  nice.
  16. I (not/believe)  you.


  1. speak
  2. don’t like/do not like
  3. love
  4. wheighs
  5. seems
  6. like
  7. wants
  8. need
  9. agree
  10. hears
  11. contains
  12. looks
  13. knows
  14. seem
  15. smells
  16. don’t believe




Présent simple anglais – Exercice

Présent simple anglais – Exercice (2)

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec les verbes à la forme correcte:

wake(s) up  /  open(s) / speak(s) / take(s) / do(es) / cause(s) / live(s) / play(s) / close(s) / drink(s)

  1. Ann  hand ball very well.
  2. I never  tea.
  3. The library  at 8:00 in the morning.
  4. It  at 10:00 in the evening.
  5. Bad driving  many accidents.
  6. My parents  in a very big house.
  7. The Olympic Games  place every four years.
  8. They are good students. They always  their homework.
  9. My students  a little Japanese.
  10. I always  early in the morning.


  1. Ann plays hand ball very well.
  2. I never drink tea.
  3. The library opens at 8:00 in the morning.
  4. It closes at 10:00 in the evening.
  5. Bad driving causes many accidents.
  6. My parents live in a very big house.
  7. The Olympic Games take place every four years.
  8. They are good students. They always do their homework.
  9. My students speak a little Japanese.
  10. I always wake up early in the morning.


