Auteur/autrice : Mat

Exercice comparatif anglais

Exercice sur le comparatif en anglais en ligne avec corrigé

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Choisissez la bonne réponse:

1. Le comparatif de well est 

a) weller
b) better
c) worst
d) best

2. Le comparatif de good est 

a) best
b) gooder
c) more good
d) better

3. Le superlatif de fast est 

a) fastest
b) most fast
c) fast
d) faster

4. Le superlatif de amazing est 

a) amazingest
b) most amazing
c) more amazing
d) amazinggest

5. Le superlatif de badly est 

a) most badly
b) worse
c) badliest
d) worst

6. Le superlatif de much est 

a) most
b) muchest
c) many
d) most much

7. Le comparatif de grateful est 

a) gratefuller
b) gratefuler
c) more grateful
d) most grateful

8. Le comparatif de early est 

a) more early
b) earlyer
c) earlier
d) earlyest

9. Le comparatif de ugly est 

a) uglyer
b) ugliest
c) more ugly
d) uglier

10. Le comparatif de happily est 

a) happilier
b) more happily
c) happilyer
d) happier

  1. b) better
  2. d) better
  3. a) fastest
  4. b) most amazing
  5. d) worst
  6. a) most
  7. c) more grateful
  8. c) earlier
  9. d) uglier
  10. b) more happily

Exercice sur le superlatif en anglais

Exercice sur le superlatif et le comparatif en anglais

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec la forme appropriée de superlatif ou comparatif: 

1. It is more interesting  I thought.
a) than
b) then
c) like

2. Australia is  than France.
a) bigger
b) biggest
c) the bigger
c) the biggest

3. He is  in the team.
a) the best
b) best
c) the better

4. He is not as popular  his friend.
a) as
b) like
c) than

5. It was  expensive camera I have ever brought.
a) the most
b) most
c) more
d) the more

6. You will find  information on our website.
a) further
b) farther

7. That museum has got  collection of paintings.
a) finer
b) finest
c) the finest
d) the finer

8. The test was  I expected.
a) more difficult than
b) more difficult then
c) most difficult than

9. Linda is the  girl at school.
a) cleverer
b) cleverest
c) most clever

10. Sam finished the race  than his friends.
a) more quickly
b) most quickly
c) quicklier

  1. than
  2. bigger
  3. the best
  4. as
  5. the most
  6. further
  7. the finest
  8. more difficult than
  9. cleverest
  10. more quickly

Exercice superlatif anglais

Exercice superlatif anglais

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Choisissez la bonne réponse:

1.    He arrived  than I expected.
a)    Later
b)    Latter

2.    The  part of the movie is more interesting than the former part.
a)    Later
b)    Latter

3.    I have an  brother.
a)    Elder
b)    Older

4.    Sam is  than Katty by three years.
a)    Older
b)    Elder

5.    Kenny is the  of my brother’s four sons.
a)    Eldest
b)    Oldest

6.    I can’t walk any 
a)    Further
b)    Farther

7.    I prefer the  painting to the former.
a)    Later
b)    Latter

8.    No  explanation was given.
a)    Farther
b)    Further

9.    The  movie from Spielberg is very good.
a)    Latest
b)    Last

10.    The  Mayor was a very nice guy.
a)    Last
b)    Latest

11.    This is the  supermarket to my house.
a)    Next
b)    Nearest

12.    The post office is  to my house.
a)    Nearest
b)    Next

13.    He is the  of the two brothers.
a)    Elder
b)    Eldest

14.    The  building in town is the Library.
a)    Oldest
b)    Eldest

  1. Later
  2. Latter
  3. Elder
  4. Older
  5. Eldest
  6. Farther/further
  7. Latter
  8. Further
  9. Latest
  10. Last
  11. Nearest
  12. Next
  13. Elder
  14. Oldest

Les pronoms réfléchis anglais exercice (myself, himself….)

Les pronoms réfléchis anglais exercice

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Choisissez le pronom réflechi qui convient: 

  1. I accidentally hurt  with the screwdriver.
  2. I don’t need any help. I can do it 
  3. Tina fixed hed bike all by .
  4. You should have faith in .
  5. I don’t like eating by .
  6. If you’re hungry, help . There’s plenty of food on the table.
  7. Linda made the cake all by .
  8. I can see  in the mirror.
  9. If you don’t believe me, try it  .
  10. I learnt guitar by .
  11. Some people only think about .
  12. You shouldn’t go there by .
  13. They wanted to do it .
  14. You shouldn’t jump in that river. You’ll hurt 
  15. We did the job .
  16. The President  visited this museum.

  1. I accidentally hurt myself with the screwdriver.
  2. I don’t need any help. I can do it myself.
  3. Tina fixed hed bike all by herself.
  4. You should have faith in yourself.
  5. I don’t like eating by myself.
  6. If you’re hungry, help yourself. There’s plenty of food on the table.
  7. Linda made the cake all by herself.
  8. I can see myself in the mirror.
  9. If you don’t believe me, try it yourself.
  10. I learnt guitar by myself.
  11. Some people only think about themselves.
  12. You shouldn’t go there by yourself.
  13. They wanted to do it themselves.
  14. You shouldn’t jump in that river. You’ll hurt yourself.
  15. We did the job ourselves.
  16. The President himself visited this museum.

Les pronoms relatifs anglais exercices

Les pronoms relatifs anglais exercices

Rappel: les pronoms relatifs sont des mots comme who, whose, which et that.

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Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant le pronom relatif nécessaire parmi les différentes réponses possibles:

1. I know the woman  you met at the library yesterday.


2. The girl  sister died last month was my friend.


3. This is the road  leads to the post office.

les deux

4. The phone  I bought yesterday is very cheap.

les deux

5. The driver insulted the man  hit his car.


6. The girl  my brother has met is from Japan.


7. He got  he deserves.

les deux

8. I have just met the couple  lives next door.


9. Tina works in a bar  she can meet a lot of people.


10. Listen to  I say.

les deux

  1. I know the woman whom you met at the library yesterday.
  2. The girl whose sister died last month was my friend.
  3. This is the road which / that leads to the post office.
  4. The phone that / which I bought yesterday is very cheap.
  5. The driver insulted the man who hit his car.
  6. The girl whom my brother has met is from Japan.
  7. He got what he deserves.
  8. I have just met the couple who lives next door.
  9. Tina works in a bar where she can meet a lot of people.
  10. Listen to what I say.

Les pronoms possessifs anglais exercices

Les pronoms et adjectifs possessifs anglais: exercices

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec un pronom ou un adjectif possessif: 

  1. We have a car. It belongs to . It is  car. The car is .
  2. This money is not . It does not belong to . It belongs to  friend. It is .
  3. She has nice shoes, but they are not . They do not belong to . They are  mother’s.
  4. He came back with a new toy but it is not . It does not belong to . It is  brother’s toy.
  5. I have an Iphone, but it is not . It does not belong to . It is  father’s.
  6. You have a camera. Is that camera ? Does that camera belong to ?


  1. We have a car. It belongs to us. It is our car. The car is ours.
  2. This money is not mine. It does not belong to me. It belongs to my friend. It is his.
  3. She has nice shoes, but they are not hers. They do not belong to her. They are her mother’s.
  4. He came back with a new toy but it is not his. It does not belong to him. It is his brother’s toy.
  5. I have an Iphone, but it is not mine. It does not belong to me. It is my father’s.
  6. You have a camera. Is that camera yours? Does that camera belong to you?


Les pronoms personnels anglais exercices

Les pronoms personnels anglais: exercices (I, he, she, him, her, us…).

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Complétez les phrases avec le pronom sujet qui convient:

  1.  went to the cinema with my brother last night.
  2. Nicolas saw Tina and Bob at the supermarket this morning.  asked them if  wanted to go to the pub tonight.
  3. My sister and I love to visit Paris.  go there every summer.
  4. Do  like to play soccer?
  5.  prefers to play tennis.
  6. John likes to do hiking, so his parents gave  a brand new backpack for his birthday.
  7. Kenny lives next door to Tom. Often  play soccer together.
  8. Linda would like to see her grandmother. She wants to visit  tomorrow.
  9. My friends and I like skiing. During the winter holidays  go to the mountain.
  10. Stop scaring  ! I don’t like that.

  1. I went to the cinema with my brother last night.
  2. Nicolas saw Tina and Bob at the supermarket this morning. asked them if they wanted to go to the pub tonight.
  3. My sister and I love to visit Paris. We go there every summer.
  4. Do you like to play soccer?
  5. She prefers to play tennis.
  6. John likes to do hiking, so his parents gave him a brand new backpack for his birthday.
  7. Kenny lives next door to Tom. Often they play soccer together.
  8. Linda would like to see her grandmother. She wants to visit her tomorrow.
  9. My friends and I like skiing. During the winter holidays we go to the mountain.
  10. Stop scaring me! I don’t like that.

Les articles en anglais exercices (a, an, the)

Les articles en anglais exercices (a, an, the)

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a, an ou the ? Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant l’article approprié:

  1. Tina is  pretty girl.
  2. He is  tallest boy in  class.
  3. She is writing  book.
  4. She has  eight year old daughter.
  5. Australia is one of  biggest countries in  world.
  6. He has won  medal at the competion.
  7. The elephant is  big animal.
  8. Sarah is  lovely girl.
  9. Why is your shoe on  table?
  10. It was  best thing to do.

  1. a
  2. the / the
  3. a
  4. a
  5. the / the
  6. the
  7. the
  8. a
  9. the
  10. a

Adverbe anglais – Exercices

Adverbe anglais – Exercices

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Exercice 1

Construisez des adverbes avec les adjectifs suivants:

  1. serious → 
  2. quiet → 
  3. sad → 
  4. whole → 
  5. wild → 
  6. happy → 
  7. funny → 
  8. good → 
  9. perfect → 

  1. serious → seriously
  2. quiet → quietly
  3. sad → sadly
  4. whole → wholly
  5. wild → wildly
  6. happy → happily
  7. funny → funnily
  8. good → well
  9. perfect → perfectly

Les prépositions en anglais exercice 2

Les prépositions en anglais exercices

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Choisissez la bonne réponse:

  1. What is wrong  Tina today? (with / for / at)
  2. Could you translate this  Japanese for me? (in / into / onto)
  3. The police is searching  drugs. (for / with / about)
  4. Mum drove a wall again yesterday. (into / against / at)
  5. I must apologize disturbing you. (to / for / with)
  6. Why is he receiving money  the Government? (with / of / from)
  7. We searched  the missing boy for three days. (for / on / about)
  8. I’m short  money these days. (of / off / on)
  9. We were talking  our next trip to Italy. (about / of / on)
  10. He reminds me an old friend. (off / of / about)

  1. What is wrong with Tina today?
  2. Could you translate this into Japanese for me?
  3. The police is searching for drugs.
  4. Mum drove into a wall again yesterday.
  5. I must apologize for disturbing you.
  6. Why is he receiving money from the Government?
  7. We searched for the missing boy for three days.
  8. I’m short of money these days.
  9. We were talking about our next trip to Italy.
  10. He reminds me of an old friend.