Auteur/autrice : Mat

Too, too much ou too many – Exercice anglais en ligne (+corrigé et PDF)

Exercice grammaire anglais: much/many

Too, too much ou too many ? Exercice d’anglais à faire en ligne, avec corrigé et PDF à imprimer gratuitement.

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Too, too much ou too many ? Complétez les phrases suivantes:

1. I have  video games.

2. You’ve put  pepper in the soup.

3. She always wears  make-up.

4. He is  old to play video games.

5. There were  problems to solve.

6. The coffee is  hot for us to drink.

7. I put down the bag because it was  heavy.

8. She asked far  questions.

9. It was  hot outside to go out.

10. I arrived  late.

  1. too many
  2. too much
  3. too much
  4. too
  5. too many
  6. too
  7. too
  8. too many
  9. too
  10. too

How much / How many – Exercice anglais avec corrigé + PDF à imprimer

How much / How many – Exercice anglais avec corrigé + PDF à imprimer

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Choisissez la bonne réponse: how much ou how many ?

  1.  oranges have you got?
  2.  milk have we got?
  3.  seats do you need for the barbecue?
  4.  coffee do you drink a day.
  5.  sugar did you put in your tea?
  6.  bottles of beer do we have?
  7.  seasons are there in a year?
  8.  girls are there in your class?
  9.  cars are there in the street?
  10.  people can fit in the bus?
  11.  stars are there in the sky?
  12.  people live in that city?
  13.  monkeys are there?
  14.  water is in this lake?
  15.  money is on your bank account?
  16.  countries are there in the world?
  17.  rice do you eat every day?
  18.  bones are there in the human body?
  19.  sand is in the deserts?
  20.  information is on the internet?
  21.  players are in a soccer team?
  22.  money do you get per month?
  23.  time is left?
  24.  brothers does John have?
  25.  phones have you bought already?

  1. How many
  2. How much
  3. How many
  4. How much
  5. How much
  6. How many
  7. How many
  8. How many
  9. How many
  10. How many
  11. How many
  12. How many
  13. How many
  14. How much
  15. How much
  16. How many
  17. How much
  18. How many
  19. How much
  20. How much
  21. How many
  22. How much
  23. How much
  24. How many
  25. How many

There is / There are – Exercice anglais |

Exercice grammaire anglais: there is there are

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Complétez les phrases avec is there ou are there.

  1.  a lot of noise at night?
  2.  many boys in your school?
  3.  a post office near the bank?
  4.  any oranges left in the basket?
  5.  elephants in the zoo?

  1. Is there
  2. Are there
  3. Is there
  4. Are there
  5. Are there

There is ou There are – Exercice anglais |

Exercice grammaire anglais: there is there are

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Complétez les phrases avec there isn’t ou there aren’t.

  1.  many people in the streets.
  2.  any butter in the fridge.
  3.  any plates on the table.
  4.  any beer in the bottle.
  5.  any tea in the cup.

  1. There aren’t
  2. There isn’t
  3. There aren’t
  4. There isn’t
  5. There isn’t

There is VS There are – Exercice anglais (corrigé + PDF)

Exercice de grammaire anglaise: there is VS there are, avec corrigé et PDF à imprimer.

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Faites des phrases ou des questions avec is there/there is ou are there/there are:

  1.  no butter in the fridge.
  2.  many rooms in her house?
  3.  a lot of snow in the mountains.
  4.  any mistakes in this text?
  5.  one question left.
  6.  no insects in my garden.
  7.  nobody in.
  8.  nothing to do?
  9.  a lot of food in the kitchen.
  10.  many birds in this forest?
  11.  no petrol in this car.
  12.  one letter missing.
  13.  pants in my bag.
  14.  cheese in this pizza?
  15.  anything else I can do for you?

  1. There is no butter in the fridge.
  2. Are there many rooms in her house
  3. There is a lot of snow in the mountains.
  4. Are there any mistakes in this text?
  5. There is one question left.
  6. There are no insects in my garden.
  7. There is nobody in.
  8. Is there nothing to do?
  9. There is a lot of food in the kitchen.
  10. Are there many birds in this forest?
  11. There is no petrol in this car.
  12. There is one letter missing.
  13. There are pants in my bag.
  14. Is there cheese in this pizza?
  15. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Do VS Make – Exercice anglais en ligne (corrigé + PDF)

Do VS Make – Exercice anglais en ligne (corrigé + PDF)

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Remplissez les cases avec make ou do à la forme qui convient:

  1. Sam  a small fortune by selling is car.
  2. Those machines  so much noise!
  3. You’ll have to  an appointment to see the doctor.
  4. He  some research when he  the discovery.
  5. Would you  an effort to  this exercise?
  6. Someone  an offer for the car.
  7. He tried to  a pie but it was a complete failure.
  8. I don’t think this  any sense.
  9. Nico  a very good job fixing my computer.
  10. You  wonders with my old bike!

  1. has made
  2. are making
  3. make
  4. was doing, made
  5. make, do
  6. has made
  7. make
  8. makes
  9. did
  10. have done

For ou since – Exercice anglais avec corrigé et PDF

For ou since – Exercice anglais avec corrigé et PDF

Since est le point de départ (one o’clock, last Tuesday, 2010)
For est pour la durée (ten minutes, three days, five years)

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Choisissez entre For et Since:

  1. She has been a lawyer  2005
  2. Sam has been married  six years
  3.  he came here I’ve been very nervous
  4. I’ve lived here  2010
  5. I’ve lived here  four years.
  6. They have been living in Paris  2005.
  7. He has been in jail  five years.
  8. He has known about that  a long time.
  9. My brother has been very ill  last month.
  10. I haven’t eaten anything  two days.
  11. I have been playing video games  hours.
  12. Yuji has been teaching in Osaka  three years.
  13. I haven’t emailed him  a week.
  14. He has been the mayor of our city  2006.
  15. Sam has been learning Japanese  two years.

  1. since
  2. since
  3. for
  4. for
  5. since
  6. since
  7. for
  8. for
  9. since
  10. for
  11. for
  12. for
  13. for
  14. since
  15. for

Pronoms relatifs anglais | Exercice en ligne (corrigé + PDF)

Les pronoms relatifs anglais exercice en ligne avec corrigé et PDF

Rappel: les pronoms relatifs sont des mots comme who, whose, which et that.

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Combinez les différentes phrases en utilisant un pronom relatif: 


She is a nice girl. Everybody loves her.
=> She is a nice girl whom everybody loves.

  1. Tokyo is the largest Japanese city. It is the capital of Japan.
  2. The man is waiting at the door. He is a detective.
  3. This is the house. Sam built it.
  4. My sister’s son is an doctor. He lives in London.
  5. The man is my brother’s best friend. He made the cakes.
  6. I have one black dog. His name is Toby.
  7. Men overuse chemical products. They do a lot of harm to the environment.
  8. Tina plays the guitar brilliantly. She is only 7 years old.
  9. The doctor wrote the prescription. The patient asked for it.

  1. Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan, is the largest Japanese city.
  2. The man who is waiting at the door is a detective.
  3. This is the house that Sam built.
  4. My sister’s son who lives in London is a doctor.
  5. The man who made the cakes is my brother’s best friend.
  6. I have one black dog whose name is Toby.
  7. Men who overuse chemical product do a lot of harm to the environment.
  8. Tina, who is only 7 years old, plays the guitar brilliantly.
  9. The doctor wrote the prescription that the patient asked for.

Modaux anglais – Exercice en ligne avec corrigé et PDF

Exercices sur les modaux en anglais à faire en ligne avec son corrigé et un PDF à imprimer

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Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

  • au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
  • au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should

Verbes de probabilités:


Choose ‘must’ or ‘can’t’:

  1. Why is that man looking around like that? He  be lost.
  2. That woman  be a doctor! She looks far too young.
  3. Kevin always fails the tests, even though he’s clever. He  study enough.
  4. The food is really good at that restaurant. They  have a great chef.
  5. Who’s that at the door? It  be Tina – she’ll still be at work now.
  6. This  be Kenny’s house. This house has a blue door and it’s number 18, just like he said.
  7. Wendy  have much money or she would buy a new car. Her old one is falling apart.
  8. He  be at work now, can he? It’s nearly midnight.
  9. What a lot of lovely plants you have! You  really like gardening.
  10. Paul  drink a lot of coffee. He’s finished four packets already this week.
  11. This  be Kenny’s coat. He’s tall and this is tiny.
  12. Her life  be easy. She has five children and very little money.
  13. Where’s Linda? She  be at the gym, as she often goes there at this time.
  14. This bill  be right! 25€ for two cups of tea!
  15. Sandra’s amazingly good at the guitar. She  practise a lot.
  16. The taxi in front is driving so slowly that I think they  be looking for something.
  17. You’ve already eaten enough for two people! You  still be hungry!.
  18. This phone  belong to Sam. It’s certainly not mine.
  19. It only takes four hours to fly from Paris to Tokyo? That  be correct!.
  20. There  be something wrong with the car! It’s making a very unusual noise.

  1. must
  2. can’t
  3. can’t
  4. must
  5. can’t
  6. must
  7. can’t
  8. can’t
  9. must
  10. must
  11. can’t
  12. can’t
  13. must
  14. can’t
  15. must
  16. must
  17. can’t
  18. must
  19. can’t
  20. must

Verbes modaux anglais – Exercices corrigés |

Exercices sur les modaux en anglais à faire en ligne avec corrigés et PDF à imprimer

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Les corrections se trouvent en bas de page.

Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:

  • au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
  • au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should

Exercices sur les verbes modaux d’obligation:


Choisir le modal qui convient:

  1. I have no idea about cars, but Simon  help you.
    could / might be able to / would
  2. I had some problems repairing my computer by myself, but in the end I  do it without help.
    could / was able to
  3. The restaurant was full. I  find a seat anywhere.
    couldn’t / wasn’t able to
  4. You  told me it was Tina’s birthday. I would have bought her a present.
    might have / must have / would have
  5. Do you think we  take photos inside the museum?
    are allowed to / may
  6. Don’t call her now. She  have finished work yet.
    might not / should not / would not
  7. It  be easy for Linda. She lost her job last month.
    can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t / wouldn’t
  8. Where is Lea now? – She  late. She has a important report to finish.
    might be working / might work / must work / could work
  9. I  remember to buy bread on the way home.
    have to / must
  10. I met Lady Gaga last night at the party. – You  be joking!
    could / must / ought to / would
  11. She’s in hospital with a head injury. She  wearing her seatbelt!
    can’t have been / could be / must have been / would have been
  12. I  buy a new car, this one keeps breaking down.
    have to / must
  13. How are things? – Not bad. They  worse!
    could be / could have been / would be
  14. The test starts at 9.30. You  be here until 9.15, but you can come earlier if you want.
    mustn’t / needn’t
  15. You  tell me what she said. I really want to know.
    have to / must
  16. Dad said that you  let me use your bike.
    have to / must
  17. Why were you late? You  be here at 20.00!
    should / ought to / were supposed to
  18. There was so much rain that I  see the road!
    couldn’t / wasn’t able to
  19. She was so drunk that I  understand what she was saying!
    couldn’t / wasn’t able to
  20. I  leave now, I have another important meeting.
    have to / must

  1. might be able to
  2. was able to
  3. couldn’t
  4. might have
  5. are allowed to
  6. might not
  7. can’t
  8. might be working
  9. must
  10. must
  11. can’t have been
  12. must
  13. could be
  14. needn’t
  15. must
  16. have to
  17. were supposed to
  18. couldn’t
  19. couldn’t
  20. have to